Chapter 14: Sweet Revenge

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The second the train came to a halt, Jirou was already running full speed back to U.A, her heart beating at a million miles per hour. She couldn't believe that Akira was the assassin. She only hoped that she could warn Kaminari in time before she tried something else. Jirou was worried how Kaminari would react but given that Jirou had the file as evidence she hoped it would be enough to make him believe her. Not even caring about security, Jirou ran back through the front door. Aizawa could punish her later but first she had to save Kaminari. The festival was in full swing by the time she arrived back on campus. She shoved her way through the crowd desperately trying to find Kaminari.

"Oh Kyoka! There you are! We've been looking for you forever!"

It was Ashido and Kirishima.

"Mina! Where's Kaminari?"

Jirou asked frantically.

"He's with Akira I think"


Jirou screamed in pure terror.

"How did she get allowed in?"

"Kaminari asked Aizawa if she could come and he said yes.."

Ashido replied, puzzled by Jirou's weird behavior.

"Where are they?"

Jirou asked in a mixture of worry and anger.

"I think I saw them over by the auditorium"

Kirishima answered, also the same confused look on his face. Jirou immediately pushed passed them and sprinted off in the direction of the auditorium. Ashido turned to her boyfriend who shrugged his shoulders as they went back to enjoying the festival.

Jirou arrived just in time to see Akira dragging Kaminari by the hand as they disappeared inside the stage door. Jirou clenched her fists as she slowly followed. She kicked the door open to see Kaminari and Akira in a close embrace, aggressively making out. The sight before her eyes made Jirou see red. Without warning she walked over and grabbed Akira by the hair, yanking her off Kaminari before shoving her away.

"What is wrong with you Jirou?"

Kaminari asked in a mixture of anger and bewilderment. He never expected her to do something like this.

"Kaminari listen, I know this will sound crazy but you gotta believe me. Akira is the assassin that has been trying to kill you. She's dangerous"

Kaminari scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"Oh please Jirou. I know you don't really like her but cmon. That's a little extreme even for you. Why can't you just leave us alone?"

"Jirou I'm your friend! You know I would never hurt Denki"

Akira said in a sweet innocent voice but Jirou could see the look in her eyes didn't match her words. Jirou quickly pulled the red folder out of her backpack and handed it to Kaminari, not taking her eyes off Akira.

"Here's all the proof that you need. While you were in the hospital, Yaomomo and I found this hidden lab in the middle of the woods. It turns out these lame scientist guys are building a bomb and you're the only one who can stop them, so they hired this bitch to kill you"

As Kaminari looked over the file, the anger on his face slowly melted and was replaced by a look of sadness. At the same time, Akira slowly dropped the fake smile.

"I...I can't believe it. Is this true Akira? You only dated me so you could kill me?"

Kaminari asked. He sounded more hurt than angry.

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