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After three years of rigorous study, grueling training, and life-threatening battles with the fate of the world at stake, it was finally the day that Class 3-A would graduate from UA high school. No longer were they newbie prospects, but rookie professional heroes, ready to take on the world and the challenges that awaited them.  Kyoka Jirou was waiting in the common room with the rest of her classmates ready to step off for the ceremony but there was one person missing.

"Where the hell is Kaminari? We're gonna be late for graduation"

Ashido asked looking around frantically.  Jirou sighed and rolled her eyes. 

"You guys go on ahead.  I'll look for him"

Yaoyorozu shrugged and motioned for everyone else to start heading out as Jirou sprinted up the stairs to her boyfriends dorm. 

I swear to god I'm gonna kill that idiot

Jirou thought to herself as she slammed the door open with her shoulder.  Kaminari whipped around frantically, his fingers caught in his tie which he was desperately trying to tie but failed miserably.  Jirou immediately started dying of laughter as Kaminari blew a raspberry.

"Oh my gosh you dumbass what did you do?"

Jirou asked.

"I uh, may or may not have forgotten how to tie a tie"

Kaminari replied looking down.  Jirou facepalmed but she was still grinning underneath. 

"But you wore one everyday for school.  How do you just forget?"

Jirou asked confused. 

"My dad tied it for me the first day of school and I never undid it.  I just loosened or tightened it every time I put it on"

Jirou was on the ground crying with laughter now much to Kaminari's dismay. 

"You never cease to amaze me Jamming-Whey"

Jirou said once she composed herself. She slowly walked over and stood in front of him caressing his shoulders before freeing Kaminari's fingers, wrapping the tie around his neck.

"I can't believe we're finally graduating. It seemed only yesterday we were classing up for the first time. I don't know if I'm ready to say goodbye to everyone yet"

"I know what you mean. I'm gonna miss everyone so much"

Silence filled the room as the pair dwelled on the sadness of the situation.

"I'm not ready to be an adult yet. Being a real pro is gonna be difficult"

Jirou said breaking the silence as she finished tying the tie, tightening the knot as she looked up at her boyfriend.

"It definitely will. But we can get through anything as long as we have each other"

Kaminari smiled as he kissed his girlfriend. He panicked when he noticed the time.

"Oh shit we're gonna be late! We gotta sprint over there right now!"

Kaminari shouted as he grabbed Jirou's hand, nearly yanking her arm off as he pulled her into the hall and down the stairs.

"Don't lecture me. We were all waiting on your dumbass because you couldn't tie your own freaking tie"

Jirou shouted back as they took off out the door to the ceremony still holding hands. They barely made it just in time. Principal Nezu began the opening formalities as the two found their seats.
The ceremony was short and sweet, commemorating the students for the successful completion of their first challenge as heroes and wishing them luck on their new adventures out in the real world. When Nezu finished his closing speech, all the kids tossed their caps into the air exchanging tear filled hugs. Kyoka said goodbye to all her friends before making her way back to her boyfriend who had just finishing giving Kirishima the manliest bro hug in the world.  She opened her mouth about to speak when she was suddenly hugged from behind. 

"Congratulations sweetheart.  We're so proud of you"

Turning around Jirou saw her parents.  Her mother holding a bouquet of flowers, both of them with proud smiles on their faces.  Jirou pulled them both into a group hug, trying her best not to cry. 

"Thanks for everything you guys.  I wouldn't have made it this far without you guys"

"This was all on you kiddo.  Your mother and I couldn't be prouder"

Kyotoku replied, patting the top of his daughters head. 

"Say Kyoka, is that your boyfriend over there?"

Mika asked gesturing to Kaminari who was now talking with his parents as well.  Kyotoku immediately glared in the direction his wife was pointing to.  Jirou sighed, not wanting to have to deal with her dad's shenanigans but Kaminari was gonna have to meet them eventually. 

"Yeah it's him.  Hang on I'll introduce you guys"

As Jirou walked over to her boyfriend, Mika lightly elbowed her husband knowing exactly what was going on in his mind. 

"Behave yourself.  He sounds like a great guy the way Kyoka gushes about him"

"No promises"

Kyotoku grumbled back, but he secretly knew that deep down Kaminari was probably a good kid.  But he didn't have to let him know that. 

"Oh hey Kyoka!"

Kaminari waved as he saw his girlfriend approaching. 

"Mom, Dad, this is my girlfriend Kyoka"

"It's an honor to officially meet you"

Kyoka smiled as she shook his parents hands.

"Oh please the honor is all ours.  I've been dying to get to know you ever since Denki wouldn't shut up about you"

Kaminari's mom chuckled.

"If you don't mind, my parents would like to meet you guys as well"

Jirou replied giving her boyfriend a nervous look.

"Oh my gosh that would be amazing! Please lead the way!"

Jirou took Kaminari's hand as she led the trio over to her parents.  Her mom waved excitedly as she ran over to greet them.  Her dad following suit. 

"Mom, dad, this is.."

"Kaminari yes we're well aware dear"

Mika laughed cutting her daughter off as she hugged Kaminari before introducing herself to his parents.  Kaminari extended his hand to Kyotoku who shook it back, squeezing as hard as he could while staring dead into his eyes.  Kaminari gulped before he was immediately thrown back into the conversation which mainly consisted of both of the moms telling embarrassing stories about their children. 

"I think your dad wants to kill me"

Kaminari whispered to Jirou, eying Kyotoku who was still giving him a death stare. 

"Oh don't worry about him it's all an act.  He can't do shit and he knows it.  Plus you're a hero who's fought some of the worlds most dangerous villains.  If anything he's the one who should be fearing you"

Jirou replied laughing.  The parents continued for a few more minutes before parting ways. 

"I really like him.  You picked a good one"

Mika whispered to her daughter when they were out of earshot. 

"I know"

Jirou responded as she walked with her parents.  The entire way home, Jirou couldn't stop smiling, thinking about Kaminari and the future that waited for them.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2023 ⏰

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