Chapter 7: Unsettling Visit

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As soon as her patrol ended, Jirou sprinted as fast as she could to the hospital where Kaminari was being treated.  She didn't know anything except for what Tokoyami said over comms.  Her mind raced in anticipation as she walked through the main lobby.  The rest of the class would be arriving later but Jirou couldn't help but come immediately.  She had this aching feeling to make sure he was ok and to do whatever she could to help him. 

After checking in with the receptionist she sprinted up the stairs to his room. Her mind was racing so fast she didn't watch where she was going and ran smack dab into All-Might as she rounded the corner, knocking them both to the ground. 

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry All-Might!"

Jirou exclaimed as she quickly helped him up to his feet. 

"I'm ok don't worry"

All-Might replied with a smile. 

"Watch where you're going next time Jirou"

She turned to see Mr. Aizawa standing nearby, his typical blank expression on his face. 

"Yes sir.  Sorry sir"

Jirou bowed as she quickly moved out of the way.  The door to Kaminari's room opened as the doctor walked into the hall. 

"Ah thank you both for coming.  Excuse me ma'am, but I need to have a quick word with these two gentleman before I allow you to see Mr. Kaminari"

"Can you please just tell me if he's going to be ok?"

Jirou sputtered, unable to contain her fear of losing him. 

"I promise I'll tell you everything later.  Just wait in the lobby for me please.  I'll have a nurse send for you when you can see him"

Jirou nodded solemnly and took her leave.  As she turned to go however, she caught a glimpse of All-Might's police friend in the room as the door closed.  Her curiosity got the better of her and she plugged her jacks into the wall, listening intently. 

"What did you need to speak to us about doctor?"

She heard All-Might ask. 

"At first, the patient showed signs of an extreme allergic reaction, but after extensive testing, we believe he was in fact poisoned.  It's a rare synthetic form of strychnine.  A slow acting neurotoxin that is almost impossible to detect.  The poison has probably been in his body for a few days now.  It lays dormant in the bloodstream before being activated by a high dose of adrenaline in the body"

Jirou gasped as she covered her mouth.  This was no accident.  Someone tried to kill Kaminari. 

"Is he going to survive?"

Aizawa asked sternly. 

"We've managed to synthesize an antidote and his vitals are stable.  However he will be comatose for the unseen future.  If he got here any later it probably would have been too late"

Jirou collapsed to her knees, tears rushing down her face. 

"But why target Kaminari out of all people?"

"We'll conduct a through investigation into this matter.  In the meantime we should tighten up security and keep a closer eye on the students. 

"We should also go with the story that he had a life threatening reaction.  No need to cause further panic"

Jirou couldn't take it anymore and returned to the lobby, unable to hear another word of that horrible conversation.  She was emotionally a wreck but Kaminari would want her to stay strong so she kept her compose.  She wiped the last of her tears as she reached the lobby.  Sitting down, she stared blankly at the floor, trying to process everything that was happening. 

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