How It All Started

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After spending 18 years believing that you were just some lazy, head-in-the-clouds child who threw temper tantrums when things didn't go your way. Imagine your surprise when you realised that there WAS something wrong with you. And then you had to spend 3 more years at least trying to get your life somewhat back on track just to try and leave the house as well as be more independent.

And look how that paid out. Your current job is a walking health hazard that it's a miracle that you haven't died yet, the cooling system backfired every hour that someone had to stay close by just to sort it out, and to top it all off, your boss was a complete sexist, racist prick, including your co-worker.

But you kept silent, smiling politely and pretending that it wasn't bothering you at all even when you want to ball your eyes out. Dispite getting yourself back on track, you were still a none confrontational person, and the last thing you needed was to get fired from the only job that made you happy. Your confidence was already none existent you didn't want it going down in the red zone to never recover.

You have to keep convincing yourself that you should be grateful that you don't have to pay for your house anymore. Just your standard everyday essentials and needs for survival.

All in all, your life was. Good. Could be better but, it was certainly better than before.

Since your paycheck didn't come for another two days, you decide to just clock out for the day. You wave a quick goodbye to your boss and leave the building, immediately getting hit with the cool air of the evening, it was, even more, colder than the building, you place your mask over your face and begin the walk back home, making sure your mask was on secure on your face every few seconds. Stupid weather. And breeze.

The walk wasn't too long, roughly 20 minutes since you lived near the outskirts of town, the perfect place to wind down after interacting with people for 15 hours. At least it felt like it. Although that could also have been to do with the gross calls you got from 'fans'. Gross.

Your ears were numb and your jaw was tense by the time you got to your house, cold weather was always a pain in the backside. Still, walking and the weather helped keep you grounded since you couldn't use your earbuds, you left them at your home when you realised you would be late for work. That was a panic you didn't want happening again.

Taking your keys out of your pocket, you unlock your front door and call out "HONEY I'M HOME!" shut the door and lock it before taking off your shoes.

Faint trotting noises could be heard on the wooden floor, then a cry for attention. Your ever faithful cat running towards you, skidding on the wooden floor boards while crying their little heart out. You can't help but giggle and coo at the sight.

"Don't worry sweety, mummy's going to feed you" you coo sweetly at your furry feline before walking into the kitchen "hmm, what do you want? Chicken of beef?" Meow "Chicken it is"

You pull out the pack of wet cat food and place half of it into the bowl for your fur baby to eat. They didn't pay attention to you as they immediately dove for the food. You aren't bothered though and pull out your phone to connect to the speakers littered about your home. Putting on some good old Aurelie Voltaire on. Starting with Day of the Dead as a good warm-up.

If there was one thing you enjoyed doing after getting home, was changing into your pyjamas and dancing like an idiot to your favourite music. Being able to be free and childish where no one could judge you but your little furry cat.

And this time, you kept your socks on as you slid about doing stupid moves and singing without a care in the world. Who would complain anyway? You lived far enough that no one would argue, just how you like it. Even the poor imitation of playing a trumpet would cause you to laugh like an idiot.

"WHY? NO LIE ITS THE DAY OF THE DEAD!" you shout as you slide across the floor in your pyjamas as if in a show and began to jump onto the sofa, all that negative energy being washed away as your body is pumped full with positivity that only music provided.

As the song comes to an end, you pose and try to mimic the language at the end but fail miserably, you aren't bothered though, your still panting and chuckling at the warmth pumping through your body, even going as far as to bow at your 'audiance'. Your other 'issues' were going to kill you later for this.

"Do I hear an encore?" you mimic the sound of a crowd roaring 'yeah' "all right, one more, HIT IT!" you gesture to the speaker as if commanding it to play the next song.

A guitar plays, your slow footsteps in time with the beat, then you flip an imaginary hat onto your head as you make a big smile and begin to shuffle across the floor.

"A minotaurs my butler, a cyclops my valae..."

Lights flash in the other rooms that you couldn't see.

"Cerberus is my lap dog, he's loyal as can be..."

Smoke covered the floor of a room like a fog machine.

"In the land of the dead, heck boy ain't it grand..."

You place one foot on top of the sofa with the other balancing yourself on the armrest ready for the big finish.


11 pairs of eyes watch you from the shadows. One with a sadistic smile.

"You can't take that AWAY. FROM ME!" you threw your arms out for your big finish "no you can't take that from me"

Unfortunately, as you were about to do your finished dance move, something broke your concentration.

"Last I checked you were human toots, ya ain't got anything to steal"

You looked in the direction of the voice so quickly that you lost your footing and fell backwards off the sofa. Your head and shoulders were the first things to hit the floor before the rest followed.

"Angel, WHAT THE HELL?!"

"I didn't think that was going to happen"

"Let's just help them up and get them on the couch"

"I must say, this was certainly a charming introduction"

"What the hell are you talking about?"

The response was a dark chuckle as he steps closer to your delirious figure.

This is going to be very entertaining. Stay tuned.

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