Dinner Is Served

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To say the smell swarming your house was overwhelming would be an understatement. the second you stepped inside, you could feel your taste buds tingle and literally taste the food in the air. It felt like you had literally walked into a wall. Your senses were going into overdrive at the unknown herbs and foods you'd never tried before.
It was also making you really queasy. And you had no idea if it was just the food that was causing it or the fact that you would have to sit with a bunch of demons at your small dinner table, which could only sit four people. The other three would have to sit at your island counter.
Let's hope that didn't dissolve into an argument.
And on that note, how spicy was the meal?
"How spicy is the food?" you whisper softly to the blonde girl as you hold back from entering the kitchen. Terrified that Alastor would hear you.
She looked confused for a moment but, thankfully, replied in the same tone "it's not that spicy, I would say that it leaves your tongue tingling, it's certainly not going to set your tongue on fire that's for sure" she leans slightly closer to you "don't let him know I said this, but his cooking is really good, I'm a little jealous, to be honest"
Well, that's comforting, but why would demons need to eat normal food? Weren't they, you know, dead? Didn't they eat souls of the living as a tea-time snack?
You mentally shack your head. Bah. Nevermind that. You need to focus on one thing at a time. Right now it consisted of surviving a meal with demons. After feeding your cat, and then you can crash onto your sofa for some proper rest, for a bit, you still need to make their beds so that it was more comfortable. Unless someone had already done it for you.
GAH! your overthinking again. Focus on the now. Survive this meal, and then you can leave them to their own devices again.
And since Alastor hasn't come out to complain about the music you played for him. You think it's going to go along swimmingly. Unless he was going to make you regret it later.
Or during the meal.
Nope. Your panicking again. this was not going to help you in the long run. Breathe.
"Hey" you flinch backward at the sudden noise in front of you, it was the blonde girl "are you okay? You're looking a little pale?"
Your breathing was getting heavier by the second at the thought of eating with six other people. Watching you. Judging you.
"Not. Used. To. This" you say through gritted teeth as you try to keep your breathing under control, the smell of food was not helping you.
"Do you want to eat alone?" it was the white-haired woman this time, she looked concerned "Charlie and I won't blame you if you need more time alone" her eyes flicker to the kitchen, and her face changed "he can go f*ck himself"
"Charming as ever my dear" you let out a small yelp as the man in red's head literally pops out from the archway like some cartoon character, you were almost certain his face was mischievous.
On top of that, why did you feel cold all of a sudden?
"Are you alright my dear?" he asks as he walks out of the kitchen to stand near you "your looking a little pale, I do hope you're not ill"
You immediately shake your head as he lifts his hand as if to check your forehead, you shuffled back for extra effort. Unfortunately, when you reply, it's still hard to speak without your throat closing up to make you blubber like an idiot. Being put on the spot by strangers was not helping matters either.
"Just. Overwhelmed. With the smell. Not used. To so much. Er. Ingredients. Having. A little. Sensory. Overload"
You watch as Alastor tilts his head to the side as he squints his right eye, his right ear twitching as well. He looked like he was trying to size you up. Had you offended him? Curse your big mouth.
"I know food is meant to knock the socks off of people, but I've never heard of one knocking you out from the smell" he cackled.
Did you just hear a crowd laughing?
"Good to know my cooking is doing its job" he lunges forward and wraps his arm around your shoulder, making you flinch and tense from his touch, you try your hardest to ignore the sensation on your skin as he pulls you to the kitchen "now let's eat before it gets cold, trust me when I say that this dish is best eaten warm, not cold" he taps his teeth but didn't say anything.
You don't think he had to say anything to know what he was talking about. Unless you're overthinking again.

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