Ignorance is Bliss? Not Really

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Putting WARNING here just in case, this chapter has a stalker scene and attempted assault/kidnapping

It turned out that not only did he take the radio, but he also took out the gramophone along with the records for it. You tried your hardest to tell him to please put it back, but since you didn't have another radio, Alastor had zero intention on putting it back where he had found it. Especially when it 'came from his era'.

How did it happen you ask? Quite simple, someone stole your key to the room and unlocked it, by none other than effing Angel. Because he got bored listening to the TV and swimming in the pool. Charlie and Vaggie hadn't realised what was going on until it was too late. The only thing you could be grateful for was that they locked the door before anything could be moved, well, they thought so until they walked into the living room with your mum's radio sitting innocently on the table.

That radio had been passed down from your mums side of the family, it was one of the family 'heirlooms' you had left of her. So for Alastor to take it and the gramophone out of the one place you had specifically stated was out of bounds, it made you feel attacked, like you had been robbed. And now the devices were now tainted from his foul claws and odor, including Angel for starting this in the first place.

And to make matters worse, because of his stunt, your mind and body were screaming at you to throw the radio into the pool in the hopes that it would 'clean' it. The rational part of you obviously knew that doing so would damage it beyond repair, but it didn't stop the urge building inside of you.

You were so angry that you couldn't sleep after you sorted the pool out, the heat was picking up once again and it made you even more irritated. You had to stay in your room and blast your eardrums off with headphones just so you didn't snap or attack anyone just for saying 'hi' and 'morning' to you. They didn't deserve that when they did nothing to warrant your wrath. Well. Not Charlie or Vaggie anyway.

Definitely not Nifty, as she decided to clean the room too before the girls had the chance to lock it. You have never felt so violated in your life. You had absolutely no idea what to do with yourself.

It didn't help that for the rest of the week, Richard wanted you to keep working at night to take care of the cables. You would always stare at the mess like an idiot before he shoved you forward to 'get a move on'. Your arms would always go numb at the end of your shift, it was really starting to wear on your body.

This was also how you learned that the shifting ability was tied to your emotions, mainly anger, you wanted to claw your face off or bite someone's arm off? Out came the claws and menacing smile faster than you could say 'fan-tucking-fastic'. Which was a pain to reel in when you want to claw at the demons currently taking residence in your house.

And to make matters worse, now that your job now resided in the dark, Alastor had taken it upon himself to walk home with you every. Single. Night. Because he 'wouldn't be a good tenant if he allowed his amazing host to get hurt'. You didn't stop yourself from scoffing at that comment while he just looked at you with that bloody smug look on his face.

You also made it your personal goal to ignore him completely every time by putting your earphones in and playing your favourite music, that wasn't Jazz (cue dramatic gasp).

You still smile when you remember Alastor's smile twitching when he hears your 'atrocious and poor taste in music'. It had been unintentional but you don't regret it either.

That had been days ago, you honestly don't pay much attention to the date other than knowing whetehr or not it was a work day. Right now you had just left the building with Alastor walking by your side but at a distance, as usual, and you were in your own little world listening to your music, only for a bit though, you needed to de-stress but knew that it wasn't a good idea to have them in for too long given everything that's happened.

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