Dance of Death

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It was like running in the Olympics the second that gun went off. Both you and Alastor were sprinting like the executioner himself was at your backs.
You can't stop the yelping every time that gun went off, the only thing going through your mind was 'Follow Alastor. Safe'. That and the fact that he was ahead of you and seemed a hell of a lot more calmer than you were.
You thanked Mother Nature and whatever earth-related gods there were that the sun was still in view so that you weren't running into trees like last time. The only difference was that it was a different hunter.
You look at the back of Alastor and see that he shifted to the side without missing a step, while you were clumsily trying to keep your balance while trying to fight back the urge to stop and cough up your lungs and cry.
Why was this happening now? No one ever hunted here during your time living here?
Your thoughts were pulled to a stop when you feel a jerk to your side and something covered your mouth, causing you to squeal and try to get out of their hold. Touching was the last thing you needed right now.
"Hush little fawn"
Faint static could be heard. Alastor?
"Don't. Move. A muscle" he whispered in a threatening tone.
Easier said than done when that's all you want to do. You have to grab your legs hard and dig your nails in just to try and stop them from moving. Only your heavy breathing could be heard as the adrenaline kept you from having a panic attack.
Silence filled the air, the trees seemed to have stopped moving, it was too quiet.
"Keep low to the ground, and avoid hitting any leaves or branches, ground or hanging" he continues after a few seconds "follow and copy me"
Copy cat. Be a cat. Your specialty. You slowly give him a nod to show you understood his words.
He released his hold on you and immediately moved ahead to crouch down as if he had done this plenty of times. You quickly copy his position and where he walked. Every time he paused, you stopped too, keeping your mouth shut the entire time despite the mild heavy breathing you were doing.
You weren't in the right state of mind to do your breathing exercise.
The heavy-looking scenery began to lighten. But from above, you vaguely make out a large black-looking blob in the trees. You don't pay much attention to it for the moment because you recognize the scenery, you're almost to the exit of these woods. FINALLY!
You feel your heart jumping into your throat at the amount of relief you were feeling. You almost let out a cry of victory if it wasn't for the fact Alastor was still in a crouch position.
Although the sensation didn't last long, because you notice a beam of light aiming directly at the back of Alastor's head. You had seen enough movies and games to know what that was.
What took you by surprise was that instead of shouting out a warning like you normally would do. You decided that the best course of action at that exact moment. Was to charge forward and push Alastor down, taking him off guard.
A bang was heard and the air above you shifted, like a knife slicing through the air.
At the same time, the sounds of birds cried above you, shrieking in anger at whoever fired the shot.
Alastor pushed you off of him, got back up while grabbing your hand and running like a death hound who caught its prey's scent. You don't know how you managed to keep up with him, but you managed it.
The sounds of the bird's cries only seemed to push you to move faster until you hit the break in the trees. No one was outside.
Almost there you thought to yourself. Just a little longer...
Another shot rang out, but it was so far back that you barely paid attention to it. Alastor had let go of your arm at this point and made a sprint to the door as if he had been saving his energy for this moment.
He opened the door, got in and the second you got into grabbing distance, he reached out and dragged you the rest of the way in, shutting the door and locking it.
"All of you cover and lock the windows, lock any other doors you see now" Alastor ordered with a tone no one had ever heard him use before.
Vaggie wanted to demand Alastor why he wanted this, but Charlie dragged her away to do as Alastor suggested. She may not know much about Alastor in general, but she had been around him long enough to know he wouldn't act like this unless he was 100% serious.
You on the other hand were coughing, wheezing and close to retching what little food you ate today, you were leaning on your knees trying to stay upright while your entire body shook and screamed in agony.
"F*cking hell, come on Echo, you need to sit down now" something white reached out towards you.
You screamed and wildly began to attack anything that was near you, with what little energy you had left you quickly bolted to the bedroom, blindly reaching out to shut the door before sliding down it and begin to ugly cry, rocking yourself back and forth while scratching your arms and face.

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