Baked Surprises

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WARNING! aside from bad jokes, there are scenes/talks of depression.

Thank goodness the bread machine still worked, pity that reading instructions wasn't your strong point. Oh well, the bread loaves came out rather well for your first time doing them. A pity that you had to share them with your 'roommates'.

Oh well, sharing is caring as the saying goes. Plus it wouldn't be very 'House host' of you, would it?

You cut two slices from both loaves, place them on a plate, and then put your comfort spread on one slice each before putting everything away. You'd clean up afterward.

"Oh my goodness what is that delightful smell?" thank hell you weren't holding a sharp weapon "is that fresh bread? Did you make it? Oh my gosh it smells delightful"

Be polite Y/n, you need to be polite.

"Feel free to take what you want, or save it for whatever meal your making later" you say politely to Nifty as you pick up your plate "oh, one of the loaves has lavender in it" you point to the loaf "the other one is plain"

"Why would you put lavender in bread?" Vaggie asked as she came into the kitchen with Charlie behind her "isn't that unhygienic?"

"Only if you don't wash it" you reply calmly.

"Why would humans put plants into their food?" Charlie asked in confusion.

"Why would humans put potatoes into their food? They grow in dirt too" you reply to her.

Charlie opened her mouth only to close it again "touche"

"What's this about dirt? Don't tell your going outside" now it was Angel entering the kitchen.

What was this? Annoy the human every time they do something out of the blue?

"Applying logic with logic" you calmly reply "help yourselves, I'm eating in my room"

You almost walk into Alastor as you step through the door frame.

"Food in bed? Not very hygienic of you is it?"

"Neither is not brushing your teeth that you reek of death" you state calmly as you try to keep your balance "if you would prefer your meat warm and stale then let me know so I can leave some out for you deerling" you slowly blink as you freeze on the spot to process the words you just stated "welp, excuse me while I go bash my skull against a wall, maybe it will knock some sense into me" you cackle as you barge past Alastor and head for your room.

"Okay, something is definitely wrong with them" Vaggie stated the second she was certain the human had entered their room "they sound like a lunatic"


Vaggie visibly shivered as the door slammed shut.

"You don't think something happened at work do you?" Charlie asked nervously.

"I'd bet my fur on it" Angel stated as he cut some of the plain bread "as well as the fact that they haven't slept at all last night"

"How would you know that?"

"Did you not see the state of their face?" he asked as if it was obvious "plus there are many kinds of stumbled walking, that was the posture of a sleep-deprived idiot who stayed up all night doing hell knows what"

"I was up all night researching about our little problem"

"F*cking hell" Husk grumbled "how did you eat that so fast and get here without us hearing you?"

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