More Weaknesses

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When Alastor wanted to speak, he didn't hold back. He was talking so much that you could barely pay attention to half the words that were coming out of his mouth.
It didn't help when he decided to give you a bit of a spin every so often to show you some of his 'moves'. You almost vomit on him more times than you care to count. He didn't even seem to notice. Not to mention almost slamming your face into his chest when you tripped over your own feet.
The walking used tampon seemed to enjoy that part the most. Especially when he tried to avoid you so that your face would meet air or a wall instead. You almost cried at the sensory overload he was giving you.
This was your own personal hell, you always had a problem trying to focus on people when they spoke, and when they were fast talkers, they might as well have been talking in another language because it all came out as gibberish to you.
And your poor face couldn't mask the panic you were feeling as he stopped his movements and looked at you as if expecting you to remember everything he said while trying to survive his 'dancing'. You wanted to die inside. Oh, wait. You already were with these guys.
Unfortunately, you were forced to stand there, trying to regain your balance as well as shift on your feet as he continued his history lesson when you didn't reply, which wasn't good for your blood pressure, it hadn't helped that you hadn't had a chance to sit down after getting back. His voice began to become nothing more than background noise as you fought to stay focused, shaking your head while he was talking would have been very rude of you, and the last thing you want is to pinch yourself or slap your cheek to shock yourself. Gosh if he could lower his voice it would have been good to sleep to.
And then your vision began to blur and go dark. Lovely. Reality finally kicked in and yesterday's events with today's stress were finally catching up to you.
The world around you faded into darkness, Alastor's voice was gone and the only sound that you could hear was your loud breathing and heart literally beating in your ears. Gravity pulled you down and your knees thudded against something hard. You were practically a noodle. Or dead weight.
The pressure in your head though was going the be the least of your concerns.

Alastor genuinely expected you to interrupt him in the middle of his explanation in some way, but he never expected you to go completely dazed, breathe heavily, and then fall like a sack of dead meat stacked incorrectly.
He watched in shock as you fall to your knees and tilt sideways towards the floor, breathing heavily the whole time as you try to lift your arms but failing miserably. It was like watching a demon try to move when half of their limbs were cut off.
He didn't know whether to find this pitiful or hilarious. He'll have to ask about it later.
"What the hell did you do Alastor?" ah, right on time.
"I assure you dear, that I did absolutely nothing to them, I was merely trying to explain to them the history of Jazz when the poor thing collapsed" he answered honestly, because really, would she believe him?
"Bullsh*t" no surprise there "they have been getting worse every time you are close by-"
"With respect" Alastor interrupted patiently as he picked you up by the armpits and dragged your body so that it was lying on the couch, your head moved around as if looking for something "my dear, I do believe the stress of us being here are finally taking their toll on the poor thing's body, but perhaps we should wait until they finally come around to answer 'why' this happened? I love a good joke as much as the next person but this isn't one of them" he looks at her and raises an eyebrow.
"Wish they had brought more booze though, this isn't going to last a week" Angel muttered as he looked at the bottles in all of his hands.
"Angel, your forgetting that they don't drink, they aren't used to buying alcohol" Charlie added nervously "back to the matter though, I have to agree with Alastor, maybe the situation is finally taking affect and they're just trying to process all of this"
"Sounds like a slow learner, bet they failed school too" Husk muttered from his drinking corner, 3 empty bottles already lay at his feet.
All the sinners turned to see the human looking at Alastor with a dazed smile with a hand stretched out trying to grab him. Alastor moved further away by instinct.
"How long will this last for?" Vaggie asked as she watched their 'host' try to get closer to Alastor.
"I doubt its long since they're talking clearly, for the most part" Charlie replied.
They watched as you drop your hand and look at Alastor as if he was the only person in the room "you look lovely in red, is it to hide the blood?"
Alastor blinked, then he smiled wider as he leaned down enough for you to see his face "why thank you, and yes, it is to hide the blood"
"Lucky you" your smile drops as you slowly blink, eyes becoming more focused as you look around the room as if seeing it for the first time "how did I get here?"
Ah, you're finally back, pity "I was in the middle of explaining to you the history of Jazz and then you fell"
You slowly get up from your laying position, holding onto your head and grimacing at the pressure most likely "I had a feeling this would come to bite me" you mutter before speaking up "my apologies, I have a, medical condition that basically messes with my blood pressure, I have medicine to take for it at certain times"
"And you were supposed to have done this at work? Isn't that illegal?" Angel asked.
"Not if they're prescribed by doctors, workplaces have to obey them otherwise they can get sued" Vaggie explained patiently as she looked at you in concern.
You hum in agreement "in my case though, they want me to take it during lunch break, which is an hour after I'm supposed to take them" you gesture to yourself "this is sometimes the result if I don't rest after long walks and physical labor" like today for example.
Alastor raised an eyebrow. It was no surprise that people of higher power abused their position, but to have them do it with someone who had medical issues? That was low.
"You should have said something" he said, knowing that he would have definitely ignored it.
"Mum raised me to never interrupt a conversation no matter how I felt" you replied "besides, would you have let me sit down if I had asked?"
That explains the manners you've shown them. Sounds like a wonderful woman "possibly, and your mother certainly raised an amazing host" he ruffled your hair lightly to see the reaction.
He wasn't surprised when you weakly pushed his hand away and began to look uncomfortable. As if he was going to try and bite you.
Goodness no. You were too entertaining for him to eat at this moment in time.

You don't say anything to him as you continued to try and keep your breathing even while trying to ignore the pounding headache throbbing in your skull. And to top it all off you still had to feed your cat and water your plants out back, you hadn't done it yesturday thanks to the sudden appearance of 'mythical' creatures.
So many things to do and it wasn't time to sleep yet.
"Goodness gracious me" you jump and look to see Alastor slap his head with his palm, it looked over the top "here I am trying to educate you when I should have been making food" he shakes his head as if he couldn't believe it himself "you sit there and stay comfortable, no, I won't hear a word of it" he interrupts you as you open your mouth "I wouldn't be a nice guest if I allowed the host to suffer from my mistake" then as he walked away, you noticed something dispite your brain still rebooting.
As he was walking, you heard a rather loud tapping sound coming from his feet. Was he tap dancing?
How long had he been doing that before you bloody noticed?
"I think hell must have frozen over because I have never heard Alastor admit to making a mistake with anyone" your body jerked slightly as you looked up to see the white-haired girl looking at you with that mean-looking expression "he's up to something"
As if you don't already know that with all the other creatures living in this house. You can only nod at her as you continue to do your breathing exercise.
"Is there any other issues you have that we need to know about you?" asked the talking spider who was drinking a bottle from the bag left near the front door.
Wait, when had they fallen off your- oh, right, you collapsed. Nifty, yeah, the Cyclops kid, she must have taken the other food bags into the kitchen during your little incident.
"Yeah, I have bursitis" you blurt out nervously.
You were greeted by odd looks "bur-what-now?"
"Bur-si-tis" you spread the word out in case you pronounced it incorrectly "it's where a lube pocket in my joint swells up like a balloon"
"Is that why I've seen you limp a few times?" Charlie asks as she sits down next to you "I noticed you gripping your thigh when I watched you leave for work this morning"
"Yeah, it's manageable but there are times when it's extremely uncomfortable" you shrug "I can't walk or sit for long periods of time otherwise it stiffens up and walking is a lot harder"
"And you have to walk to work every single day? How do you put up with it?"
You make a small smile as you remember your mum's words "grin and bear it, because that's all I can do besides pain medicine, and I don't take those unless it's extremely necessary"
From the corner of your eye, you notice her giving you an odd look, you don't know what it is though but it was certainly making you uncomfortable. So you rub your hands on your legs before getting up, only to grunt when the thing you had just been talking about decides to rebel and demand you sit back down.
"Well, I have plants to water, I got some swimwear for you both if you want to swim, but it might rain soon" the clouds hadn't changed but with this being English weather anything was possible "have fun"
You walk in large strides to make it look like you weren't limping for the back door and leaving their line of sight. You had a rain catcher to check on too.

Charlie watched you leave in both awe and worry "poor thing, having all those physical issues and yet somehow managing to stay polite and patient with us"
Vaggie hummed but didn't remove her eyes from the area you just went through "I find it strange that they are acting so open to us, we're not exactly the most, friendly looking, besides you anyway" compared to the rest of them, Charlie could have easily passed for a human cosplaying as a doll.
Vaggie could have too, but then how does one explain how she's able to hide a spear unless she needs it?
"Perhaps it's because I promised we wouldn't hurt them? We haven't hidden who we really are, for the most part, so maybe they're responding in kind" she sounded nervous, but Vaggie knew that Charlie was just as unsure as she was "it could have gone bad if we tried pretending that we're just dressing up"
"I doubt the others would have played along even if you asked, Angel doesn't care and neither does Husk, Nifty, and Alastor? Questionable" was all she could say. Unpredictable as the weather as the saying goes.
"Yeah" Charlies sighed as she laid her head on Vaggie's shoulder for a moment "still, I can't shake this feeling that something's. Off. Maybe it's the stress of us being stranded that's getting to me"
"We'll get through this Charlie, we've been through worse than this, we'll do it again" Vaggie says as she puts an arm around Charlie's shoulder, giving it a quick squeeze before letting go "but your right, we just need to try and play it safe until we can find a way to get back home" maybe things would be okay so long as you, and they too, try to be open.
Wouldn't stop her from keeping an eye on Alastor though. She had seen the looks he had been giving their host. Looks of amusement and fascination. Another toy for his sick game.
And she would be damned again if he tried anything to ruin the fragile trust they had gained with you. Especially when you opened up about your weaknesses.
Someone who was going through depression did not deserve a physical demon trying to ruin them further when they were already battling the demons inside their head.

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