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Despite your thigh/hip screaming at you to sit down, as well as your head to not pass out, you skipped merrily down the woods path, 'whistling' your favourite game's tune as you looked for bushes that held the nettles you seeked. The season was the right time and you had your gloves and tubs ready to be filled.

You have done this before, back when your mum and sister were still alive. So you vaguely remember where the bushes grew to get enough for five or six people. In this case demons.

Alastor came with you but he made it clear that he wasn't picking anything up, merely observing while you, Charlie, and Vaggie went nettle picking. You made sure to give the girls their own pairs. At least Angel didn't ask for more alcohol when asked to take care of the animals, he seemed to have grown a soft spot for them if you were being honest.

"How much longer do we have to go?" Charlie asked as she looked around the area.

"Not sure, these bushes tend to grow in random areas but I do know that they grow around the path we're walking" you explain as your skipping slowly shifted into a walk "I'll know it when I- AHA!"

Sure enough, there was a lovely nettle bush in between some trees, and looked rather healthy, plenty for the soup.

"Okey dokey" you giggle as you put on the gloves, mentally wondering when the hell this feeling would go away so that you could go back to your old self "this bush looks healthy, but you also need to be careful for any that might have bugs on them, or holes"

You weren't entirely sure if this was true, but since your mum had drilled it into you to always check the leaves before grabbing anything, you weren't going to take the risk.

"If they look like this" you continue as you pull off a leaf from the bush and hold it out for them to look at "that means it's healthy and safe to use" you place it in the box "I'll give you guys a tub each to make it easier for all of us, once its halfway or filled to the top feel free to help the other out"

Charlie nodded as she put her gloves on, practically buzzing in excitement of trying it out, you were almost certain Vaggie came with her to make sure she didn't get into trouble. You had a feeling that unless one of you got pricked by the leaves of tiny nettles, Alastor was going to either get bored or find a way to trick you into touching it.

Once their gloves were firmly on, you handed a tub to each of them and suggested that they spread around the bush so that they had easy access, but they could stay close in case they missed any leaves. They went for the second option, wow, they really were glued at the hips, that's somewhat impressive.

"Aren't you going to help as well Alastor?" Charlie asked.

Alastor laughed "no Charlie. I'm here simply to observe"

You don't say anything as you were too engrossed with your harvesting to pay attention to the conversation. It has been a long time since you had done this and you did not want to risk making anyone sick, if demons could get sick anyway. You know you would if you aren't careful.

"I think the last time I did something like this was when me and mum did some gardening when I was a teen" you mutter quietly, mostly to yourself.

Charlie however heard it, somehow "oh that's so sweet, does your mum ever visit you?"

And just like that, your good mood disappeared faster than you could blink, causing your smile to fall "if her spirit is wandering the house then I don't know about it"

You could practically feel Charlie flinching at your deadpan statement "oh, I am so-"

You blow a raspberry at her as you smile again "oh pish posh Charlie, unless you're the one who killed her then don't apologize, life sucks and death is inevitable, I've got to accept it no matter what"

Trapped (Alastor x reader) (Slow Updates)Where stories live. Discover now