Suffer Alone So Other Can Shine

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Once again the anxiety was threatening to claw your chest until it punctured your lungs to block the air. You want to cry so badly at the thought of walking into the woods with this, male demon, alone.
Scratch that, you want to have a panic attack and cry right this second. Because walking beside Alastor made you feel like you were being dragged away into some unknown part of the woods that only he would know about before proceeding to kill you.
Stupid paranoia. Stupid demons. Stupid everything. Why did they have to ruin your routine?
As you continue to rant in your head, Alastor started to hum some tune only he would know about. Kind of reminds you of the times you did it yourself while cleaning the house.
You don't know whether to be grateful that he's walking at a pace you can keep up with or ticked because he wanted his 'walk'. You almost snort at the idea of him being a dog, he was more of a cat from what you've witnessed the past two days.
"Don't you just love that earthy smell on an early morning?" he inhaled deeply as if to emphasize his point, his voice was, thankfully, not as loud as it usually was "nothing like the smell of fresh, damp soil to liven up one's dead heart" he chuckled.
You awkwardly chuckle with him out of nervous habit.
"I must say though since we are in, I believe you call it Britain, you must have different kinds of animals here, correct?"
You feel the need to curl inward for some reason. You nervously respond "depends if your looking for a specific animal" you don't look in his direction.
"Well I am aware that food can be transported, but what do you have that lives here specifically?" this time he moves forward a few steps before turning around to stop you in your tracks, looming over you.
Your brain malfunctioned so badly that your thinking abilities had completely shut down, and you were left stuttering as you tried to remember what animals lived in these woods.
You never saw Alastor watching with pure amusement on his face, trying too hard not to laugh at your predicament. He did raise an eyebrow though when you were finally able to speak a proper sentence.
"Crows, Magpies, not sure on other birds though, um, squirrels, maybe the odd pheasant and hedgehogs" you took a deep inhale of breath as you try to fight the urge to shake your hands and jump like a child on sugar "that's all I can think of that live in these woods specifically"
"Pity, I miss a good hunt" he sighed dramatically "oh well"
Then he turns around and continues to walk onward as if he hadn't just scared the hell, heck? Out of you.
You were even more reluctant to continue following him, you really wanted to turn tail and run like a coward. But you did promise him last night, didn't you? Besides, it would be best to make sure he didn't encounter anyone else.
So with this in mind, you walk onward. Like a puppy being scolded by its master.
"What made you decide to join the world of radio host my dear?"
You look up in surprise, having missed half the question "pardon?"
"Your excused" he laughed in that fake tone "I asked you, what made you decide to join the world of radio host?" He stops again to turn around and stop you in your tracks, that stupid smile still wide on his face "Considering your, personality at home, I would have thought that you would be hiding in a library, or even a cemetery"
"Believe me, I had considered it" you can't stop the one-sided smile from appearing on your face, bitter maybe? You were never good with emotions.
"I'm glad you didn't" his smile shrank a little for a few seconds before it stretched again "it would have been a shame to have met you and find out that you were just a boring individual"
You could definitely tell that he was trying to intimidate you, easy to tell when you could hear the sound of static ringing in your ears, and it was most certainly not from your illness.
"Isn't that hypocritical though?" you say through gritted teeth, resisting the urge to cover your ears as the noise got slightly louder "if we go with your logic of the whole 'world is a stage and entertaiment' thing, then technically I would still be 'entertaining' to you but I would have a different role"
The ringing stopped, and you don't hesitate to rub your eyes as you felt them watering from the pressure, as well as rub your ears lightly.
"Touche my dear" he replies as if he hadn't just hurt you with whatever that was "well, no use thinking on it now, I've had the pleasure to hear you over two months ago and I have no intention of missing any more of your broadcasts"
"Two months ago?" you mutter to yourself as he turns around and continues to walk away, again. Screw what you thought before, you had to know how he knew about you "how could you have heard me? If you're telling the truth about you living in, that place, then surely you wouldn't have any connection to radios or electrical, heck anything in general"
"It's rare but not unheard of my dear Echo" by this point he stops once again in the familiar clearing you had been to last night "how else would I have known your name?"
That was a valid point, but still "you have everything you want in hell. Why should my radio job be interesting to a well-dressed and intimidating creature like you?"
You immediately pale and try to backtrack the second the words left your mouth. This was it. This was how he was going to threaten you and make your life worse.
You were taken aback when he chuckles and turns to look at you.
"Just because it has everything I want, doesn't mean it gets better over the decades, being stuck with the same entertainment over and over again would make anyone crave new inspiration or form of entertainment"
It didn't take that long for you to understand what he meant by that "I became the new source of your entertainment" you stated simply.
He doesn't reply, he just looks at you and smiles, this time with more teeth.

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