Morning Madness

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It turned out that you had to keep administrating medical care all night to make sure the wing wasn't infected, while that was challenging, the bird was compliant the entire time despite you talking to him to make sure he knew what you were doing.

It was still hard to understand why he was calm though, animals were usually aggressive when they were backed into a corner, especially when one of their trusted limbs was taken from them, forcefully or not. Still, you counted your blessings and treated the bird fairly and calmly as you would with a child. Let's hope this gave you good karma.

And you were honestly not surprised to hear Alastor make a joke about 'fresh meat' when he saw the injured crow the next morning, but Vaggie certainly laid it into him that the bird was not breakfast, dinner, or supper.

So he resorted to just watching everyone, including you, take care of the crow and feed it boiled eggs and seeds when he felt like it, or after he came back from his daily walk. For a whole week.

Your cat even got a little jealous because you weren't giving them enough attention, so you spent your spare time with them both, giving both equal affection while also making sure they got along without trying to kill each other. After all, it was no secret that crows were scavengers and had been known to eat small animals, kittens being an example.

What you were scared about the most was having Alastor decide to screw with your head by eyeing the crow like it was an afternoon snack, yeah, the guy might have stated he preferred venison, but from what you've seen when he eats his meat, he eats it raw, you noticed it when he decides to cook for everyone, he always made his separately.

You weren't going to leave the animals alone with only him in the room. You'd rather have Angel and Husk watching them instead. Actually, that wasn't a bad idea, you needed to resupply the kitchen since the food was almost out after work.

The worst part was that Charlie and Vaggie were going with you since Vaggie was completely against Alastor from stepping foot in anywhere but the radio station. You had no idea why though as when you looked at Charlie for answers, she just shrugged her shoulders in confusion.

"Oh don't worry toots, we'll take good care of the little bird, although I think Husky-boy will enjoy having some time with-"

"Don't finish that word or I will shove this bottle up your ass"


"If you guys do that and make sure Alastor doesn't go near them, I'll buy you stronger booze tomorrow"

Angel practically lit up at that "momma Angel is going to take good care of your children, no worries on that sweetheart" he proceeds to shoo you out the door "now go get food, can't work on an empty stomach ya know"

You clutch the bags to your chest tightly as you step out the door, already dreading what the house will look like when you come back.

"Wow, this is completely different, there's barely people roaming about and not as busy, is this a bad day?" Charlie asked as she looked around the place, her mask covering her mouth as well as Vaggie.

"This is a typical everyday norm for this town" you answer "this town isn't very big and doesn't have a lot of people"

"How many people do live here?" Vaggie asked.

"100 people at least, don't know the max amount"

Charlie whispered in what you think was awe "wow, so where do we start?"

"Get some cups for you lot, I doubt you want to use mine any longer" you reply as you look at the shops briefly, you really should have bought more cups when they arrived "there'll be food in there too but not a lot, your welcome to browse them and see what interests you"

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