Something's Wrong

312 9 85

WARNING! Mentions mental breakdown, blood, and accidental cutting

You return to the house with blisters on your arms, your mind already fogging up and refusing to remember the day's events because all you wanted to do right now was go to sleep for the next few hours.

Your paycheck was not worth the hours but you knew you had little choice. You think. Mathing out your payment per hour was not a strong suit. Honestly? You were lucky you could keep your attention on anything when you easily zoned out most of the time.

Although, you suppose it also depended on what mood you are in at the time.

Upon entering the house, you are not surprised to see the lamp on with Alastor sitting on the sofa reading the most recent newspaper you got. What did catch you off guard was the fact that Midnight was sitting next to him and eating what you think was a boiled egg, if the white solid bits were anything to go by.

He doesn't say anything but you were almost certain his eyes moved towards the door the second you closed it and locked it up. You don't say anything and head for the kitchen for a quick meal in the form of a tin. Just something to settle your stomach as you forgot to bring your lunch with you for work.

You grab a random can from the cupboard and pull the hook, similar to one on a fizzy drink can, and proceed to pull on it in the hopes that it would open.

Except, the ruddy thing was being very stubborn about getting loose with your dominant hand, usually, you had no difficulty opening things with it. Clearly not this time.

So you tried the other hand, making sure to hold the can down on the counter as you pulled with all your might.

"Come on you stupid-"


"Son of a biscuit" you hissed as you held your hand to your chest.

The stupid lid gave way without any warning and hit your finger. It stung but you knew the pain would leave eventually. Whatever the case, at least you can now go back to making your 'meal'.

"Even after a shock like that, with a cut finger no less, you still have the ability to hold back swearing? Colour me impressed" speak of the devil.

Although, you were confused on what he meant by a cut finger, your finger was just- oh, that was a lot of blood for such small size.

Turned out the sting was in fact the pain of almost having your ring finger cut off after popping the lid off, the cut was about the size of your ring finger or middle nail... and was literally bleeding all over the place as you stand there like an idiot trying to process the fact that you just cut yourself. By accident of course.

You let out a weird 'nyeh' noise as you rush over to the tap, turn it on the lowest setting you could and put your finger underneath it. By the void the pain felt worse than before.


Breathe Echo, deep breathes now. Oh heck you were not used to seeing this much blood.


"If you ask nicely I might be willing to help you"

As you continue to breathe through your panic, you look to your right and see Alastor holding the med kit on one finger as if taunting you with it. Not this again.

You turn around and clench your jaw as another wave of pain flaired up from the injury, you were certain you had an emergency med kit in one of the draws just for situations like this, well, mostly if you couldn't find main kit, but the idea still stood.

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