A New 'Friend'

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CAUTION- while it's being described in a flashback, there is a brief mention of hurting yourself, along with a very old insult to people with mental disabilities.

Angel watched the human walk off to their 'job' from the kitchen window, once they were out of sight he immediately began raiding the cupboards, fridge, and freezer for some good food. Well, besides being hungry he was also curious about what type of food they ate. Not like Alastor was going to help him when he was too busy watching and listening to the radio.

Some news about being careful when going outdoors but he wasn't bothered to fully listen, he main focus was raiding the cupboards.

He was disappointed however when he realised the majority of the storage units were either empty or only had a few cans and packs of simple or ready-made food, it was rather pathetic really. How could you handle living like this? Hell you had 4-5 bedrooms, surely you had guests coming every week or so.

Oh, my f*cking god. READY-MADE RAVEOLI?! HELL NO!

"I highly recommend that you reframe from throwing that food away Angel" despite the polite tone, Angel could hear the threat/warning in the voice.

Still, he rolled his eyes and scoffed as he put the abomination back into the cupboard "come on Alastor, even you hate ready-made food, surely you want to throw it away too" he says as he waves the packet in the air.

"Yes but the last thing we need is to raise the poor dear's blood pressure any further" he gives Angel a side look before turning back to the radio "it also appears that this day and age is experiencing an issue, almost reminds me of the stock market crash" he chuckles.

"Oh this ought to be good, what is it?" Angel asked as he checked the packet back into its prison before moving to lean against the counter.

"Some sort of disease known as Covid 19" Alastor sighs dreamily "so many lives taken from an innocent-looking illness, how entertaining"

"And our host is out in it?" Angel raised an eyebrow at the stupidity you were doing.

"It's safe now, unfortunately, people are able to go out so long as they have masks covering their nose and mouth" Angel was almost certain Alastor was pouting dispite the smile "it certainly would explain why our generous host went out with one, I must say I loved the design though" he looked up as he rubbed his chin in thought.

"What was the design?"

"A smile almost like mine" Alastor pointed to his own smile "what better way to show your smile than with a mask showing it, irritating sure but still genius in its own way I suppose"

"Uh, huh" Angel looked at the radio for a moment then back and Alastor "this feels strange"

"What feels strange?"

"Being back here. Everything seems so... out of place"

"Oh, the amount of new technology that's been thrown everywhere? I most certainly agree with you there my effeminate fellow" Alastor's eyes went back to the radio as a new song began to play, a tune that sounded like Swing, but it wasn't one he had ever heard of before, still, the music was catchy as he found himself unconsciously tapping his foot to it "it's such a pity really, people seem to forget the more simpler times"

"And we both know a lot of people certainly wish for that" Angel scoffed, silently surprised that he was having a proper conversation with the Radio Demon that didn't end with one of them being irritated.

"Something we can both agree on, oh, a pity, the music stopped" dispite being disappointed, Alastor was leaning towards the radio with the attention of a cat eyeing a mouse.

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