Nostalgia , Talks and Apologies

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You couldn't move, you couldn't stand properly as your knees threaten to buckle under you. You're still trying to process the fact that the red demon is literally standing in front of you.

Especially when he raises his hand that was holding a plastic tub of some food of sorts.

"Come now dear, I went all the trouble to-" he cuts himself off, literally stops himself from continuing the sentence as he narrows his eyes at you "goodness me are you alright? You're certainly more pale than you had been this morning, are your ribs making you uncomfortable?"

As if on cue your ribs begin to throb and flare in pain, causing you to clutch onto it as if having trouble breathing.

"Have they been forcing you to over work yourself again?" He shakes his head as if in disbelief "and after they pressured you to come to work after you stated the reason for why you were taking the day off to begin with, disgraceful if you ask me"

"What the hell is going on?" oh joy, it's your boss, Richard "why is everyone hanging around the reception? I don't pay you to lounge around and sit on your asses all day"

You instinctively move backward towards Alastor without realising it. Until you feel something touch your shoulder, and despite the anxiety that was building up, his firm grip kept you grounded enough that you could speak up.

"I'm sorry sir" you reply weakly that you would have liked, a smile still on your face despite it killing your cheeks "my, room mate, was just giving me my lunch because I forgot to bring it with me"

Richard looked at you with his dead, menacing eyes before they narrowed onto Alastor "and who the hell is this f*cker?"

You felt your heart stop and trying terribly to restart itself as Alastor's claw tightened on your shoulder, almost digging into your skin.

"Oh, I know who you are" said Mitchell, your work partner when you went live "you can't invite your boyfriend around whenever you want Echo"

You can't help but whimper a sigh of relief mentally.

"Uh, first off he isn't my boyfriend... second, um, he tends to invite himself..." you stutter as you remember past experiences when you wanted to be alone.

"Indeed I do! I have no keeper" he replied brightly "besides, is it a crime to bring my friend their lunch when they forgot about it? If it is then I'm guilty as charged" he cackles.

It was only now that you realised something that should have been obvious from the start, if you hadn't been panicking at the situation.

Alastor was not using that strange voice alteration he had at the house. He sounded. Dare you say, normal. Like a real, mortal human being. He still had the tone of a radio host though. Just who was this creature?

"Well, you gave it to them, now sod off, this isn't some group tour" Richard snapped "and you Echo, get your ass back in the booth this instant or your fired"

Your cheeks were practically numb at this point "got it boss"

You inhale sharply when you feel Alastor's hand clench harder on your shoulder before they disappeared.

"Now, now, there's no need for fighting is there? I didn't just come here to deliver the food" he as says as he practically shoves the plastic box into your hands and makes his way to Richard, still talking as he did so.

You however were still locked in place, the box he handed to you still warm to the touch and vaguely smelt like something you had never eaten before. But you couldn't deny that it was soothing considering what you were going through right now.

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