Welcome to the Sh*t Show

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The second the human started going pale, Vaggie didn't hesitate to jump from her spot on the sofa while pulling her spear out and point it at his face, cursing him in her native tongue.

"Back the f*ck off demon" she growled "they're resting and don't need you chatting their ear off"

"How delightful" he replied in that cheerful, cocky tone of his.

Vaggie just growled at him like a dog.

"Guys, please stop, your making Y/n uncomfortable" Charlie begged.

You just stay silent as they bickered, you were too tired to care at the moment from the emotional talk you just had. Well, until you hear someone scoff.

"Come on toots, let's leave the children to continue their bickering"

It was Angel, and he held two of his arms out for you to hold onto so that you could get up. Which you do silently because to be honest your headache was getting worse.

You were just about to make your way back to your room when you hear the door being knocked on. Loudly.

Everyone stopped breathing. Including you.

You stand as still as a statue, not daring to breathe, hoping that it was just a trick of your ears. But when the door knocks again your hope dwindled.

"I suggest you answer that door my dear" Alastor said in a low tone "because you would not want me to answer for you"

You move as fast as your legs would go and walk to the door, silently telling them to go somewhere they couldn't be seen.

They didn't hesitate to move, not even Husk surprisingly, and he was the laziest.

You do your best to calm your nerves as you unlock the door, as well as fight the issue in your ribs. Holding back your whimpering was going to be a challenge.

When you open the door just enough for your head to peak through the gap, where you are then met with. Oh joy. Johovers Witnesses or whatever the heck they were called.

"Hello, lovely day isn't it?" one said.

"It is" you whisper weakly from where your head was peaking from.

"We're sorry to bother you but do you know if a Mrs. Smith lives here? Our records said that she once lived here"

Are you. Effing. Serious right now?

"No, no one by that name has ever lived here" you weakly, avoiding eye contact.

"Are you sure, it's just that we really need to contact her and it said that she lived here around 20xx"

You've been living here far past that. This house was brand new.

Your using it as an excuse to talk to me and I have a house of demons that might want your soul for breakfast.

"I'm very sure sir, as I live on my own and wish for it to stay that way"

Oh no. You might as well have claimed you worship the people of hell because you effed up big time. They knew it too because their smiles got wider, almost as big as Alastor's. They were practically lighting up at the potential of brainwashing more people.

"Are you sure? We heard people arguing a few seconds ago"


As if by some saving grace, you hear a scream coming from somewhere. The two men try to make their way inside but you force them back. Then proceed to mouth/word vomit. Loudly, behind you.

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