Loony Work Day

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I'M BACK B*TCHES! sorry for not being active for so long, I've been busy moving and I've literally just gotten the internet today. 

WARNING this chapter has some nasty insults used for people who have mental disabilities.

When the other demons realised you were injured the next day, you were not entirely surprised to see two of them fretting over you and demanding you to go back to bed and rest. They showed more concern to your health than the males did, well, Angel did show some politeness but not as much as Charlie and Vaggie had done.

All he did was examine the bullet wound and said "you'll live and won't lose a limb"

Charlie and Vaggie were the only ones shocked though when you told them that you were still going to work. And to be honest you were as well when you saw the time that morning, you had so badly wanted to hide away in your room and never leave it. But hiding and making up excuses not to come in was just asking for trouble. Plus it wouldn't pay the bills for the extra mouths you had to feed.

The hard part was going out the door and not have a panic attack.

"I don't have a choice" you told them as you got ready, trying to hide how paranoid and scared you really were at going outside. Not to mention sleep deprived as you had been awake all night researching and trying to keep yourself distracted.

"Then why not take Alastor with you since your so buddy-buddy with him?" Angel said in a strange tone.

"NO!" you shouted, causing you to curl in pain at the sudden strain "Alastor is the last person to show himself after yesturday, I'm almost, no, I'm very certain that hunter was there because of him"

Now it was their turn to look confused "and prey tell, my dear, why do you say that?" he says with a tone of warning.

You look at him with a serious and stern expression as you could muster, somehow managing to keep eye contact with him as you explained yourself "it is very rare that one would find a hunter in those woods because they are not hunting grounds, plus hunting isn't allowed outside of certain areas in Britain, not to mention the fact bear traps are illegal here because we don't have bears and they can make a person bleed to death"

"I'm still waiting for why that hunter is focused on me"

You give him a look as if to say 'are you a freaking idiot right now?' "have you seen your appearence? You have the appearence of a red deer, those creatures are only seen in National Parks and animal sanctuary's. Plus the gun had been focused on you the entire time, it only got me because I was in the way of the shot"

Silence. He blinked slowly at you as if processing what you just said. You continue.

"Further more" you say through gritted teeth as your rib cage throbbed even more "you are literally a walking red target, and looking at the back of your head, anyone could mistake you for a deer, if I hadn't seen your face first, if I didn't see your humanoid appearance and was a hunter myself, I would have shot you without a second thought, you would have 'killed' faster than you could say Danse Macabre to the Torreador March"

Did it sound like a threat? Yes. Were you trying to make a point to him? Yes. Was it working? Hell if you knew. He was staring at you with what looked like gritted teeth and a glare that could rival the burning sun above you.

You sigh quietly and look away when you felt your eyes starting to strain "the point is" you continue calmly and weakly like the submissive little b*tch that you were "you are a walking target, you stand out way too much" not to mention loud, cocky, and obnoxious "unless you are willing to blend in with your surroundings, you are a liability not just to yourself but to everyone in this house"

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