The Dip

464 17 13

While it isn't written, there is an implied use of a word used for people of different skin colour.

When he returned to the house, he managed to loosen up enough that he could walk about like his usual self. But that didn't mean his mind had calmed down from the conversation that had happened not too long ago.

Someone actually believed, and claimed, that his appearance and personality, his very being, wasn't important for their brain to acknowledge, preposterous, absolutely preposterous. He was Alastor the Radio Demon, even in life his name echoed through the streets of Louisiana for his amazing broadcasts, Alastor, who walked the streets with a smile and was only polite to those who gave it back to him and his mother. Alastor, who killed those he deemed filth, who cleaned the streets of the filthy scums who sullied his home.

To even be forgotten by someone who came close to understanding him, and that was saying something given his standards, it was not something he believed was possible, it irked him and his ego.

He could not, would not be forgotten so easily, especially by Echo.

For three whole months he had been stuck here he had gotten close to them, he wasn't sure if he would call it 'friendship' but it was definitely close to one. And he wanted Echo to give it to him willingly. But that was easier said than done when they once stated that 'they don't do friendship, they haven't had one in a long time and planned to keep it that way'.

The thought actually irritated him, he could count on one hand the amount of friends he held close to his cold, dead heart, Rosie and Mimzy being two examples of that. The point was, that when he considered someone a true 'friend', you can bet that he would be loyal and be very protective of you, within reason, until you backstabbed him, then he would make you regret ever doublecrossing him. Painfully and slowly.

He would almost call it a privilege to be friends with him. Now, he can understand at first your reluctance since they had come out of nowhere and practically scared the daylights out of you, but surely being here for three months and not killing anyone should have weakened some of the walls surrounding your mind. Bonding, as Charlie would call it.

And yet not once have you tried getting to know them, not even Charlie, who was the friendliest of the group. You said that you didn't want friends, but it had to be more than that surely. No one can just wake up one morning and suddenly declare that they don't want friends for the rest of their life.

Friends... oh, of course, how silly of him, he had almost forgotten the fact that you almost got pummelled to death and practically chased back to your home by that group calling themselves 'friends', men and women, disgusting, filthy people.

How dare they call themselves your friends when they take and take until you were nothing but an empty shell. He would make a better friend than those people, at least HE would treat you better.

The question though, was how to gain your trust and see him as a friend. Someone he could inspire and turn you into an even better radio host.

"Did you not find them? Are they safe?"

He would have to put that question on hold for now "no worries my dear Charlie, they are fine and safe, just need time to get that anger out of their system"

She looks at him in confusion.

"You can't expect them to come here looking like a giant animal that's come out of some horror novel, they have to let that anger out somewhere before they can even try to turn back human" he explained.

"Let's just hope it doesn't involve killing anything that moves" Vaggie grumbled.

"Kill what that moves?"

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