Escape To Silence

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CAUTION! Depressing thoughts and talk of death

You wake up to see the sun setting from your window, no one else was in the room and you couldn't hear anything other than your breathing. You vaguely remember freaking out about something, something caused you to pass out.
But for the life of you, you can't remember what that was. Meh, it'll come eventually.
You sluggishly pull yourself up and shift to the edge of the bed, your shoes were thankfully taken off, and your jumper was still on. Pity these clothes would have to go in the wash.
It was then that the sensation of your arms began to sting, and as soon as you look at the red lines and bite marks left on your skin, you realised what had happened.
Fan. Tucking. Fastic.
You force yourself to keep your eyes open as you try to stand, only to stumble like a baby lamb learning to walk for the first time. Still. You push through it and stumble your way to the door and open it.
Peeking your head out slightly, you try to hear or see any of them from your limited viewpoint. Nothing. Not a peep or sound. Were they outside? Could be possible since you would have most certainly heard something upstairs or even in the living room.
You mentally sigh and lean your head against the door, you really didn't want to go back outside and talk to them, but you also don't want to stay here and have them possibly looking for you. You had enough excitement for one day and would like some proper time to yourself.
Maybe you should push yourself one last time and take a walk in the woods, no matter how hard that was. You did miss your feathery friends, and they could do with some extra feeding since the weather was cold. Besides you had your medicine to take so that seemed like a good excuse to get out of this room.
You did want to check something in the woods too. Plus you didn't feel safe here now that you're awake. Your pillows smelt funny.
After looking around and picking up your shoes. You force yourself to open your bedroom door and speed-walk all the way to your back door.
Sure enough, you can hear them talking outside. Well, see them talking. Your door was a glass slider after all.
You quickly move away from view in case they looked in your direction. You take your medicine, grab a bag of seeds, and pick up your phone that had been left on the sofa, headphones, and all. And finally, a torch. Just in case you stayed out for too long.
Hopefully, that won't happen.
You double and triple check you had everything with you as you make your way to the back door. They were still talking. Great. The walk to the woods entrance that you normally took would make you walk past Alastor and the cat man.
But the others might also give away your position too. And that was the last thing you needed. Still, there was only one way to get to the woods and it involved walking past them one way or another. You'd be wasting time if you took the front door.
Taking a deep breath to steady yourself, you slowly slide the door open and walk out as quietly as possible.
Then you sped walked behind Alastor, not making any eye contact with any of them. It wasn't until one of them called out to you that you immediately picked up the pace and ran into the woods entrance. Pain be damned, you don't care who it was that called out to you, you did not want to talk to anyone right now.
You were already mentally and emotionally drained from your tantrum at dinner time.

You slowed your pace when you were certain the voices began to dim. The path was still clear and you knew this was the right direction to where you wanted to go.
After you gave yourself a moment to catch your breath, you pull out your seed bag and begin to sprinkle it on the ground around you.
There was enough light that you could still see without the aid of your torch. And since you had a destination in mind, you calmly walk while continuing to spread the seeds down for your feathered friends.
You don't stop until you come to a small clearing, well, small enough that 7 people could fit in if they were to make a circle. While circling the only tree in the clearing.
A tree that carried the ashes of your deceased mum and sister, a few sprinkles around the clearing anyway, not enough to affect the surrounding wildlife though, of that you were certain of, you had made sure of it.
They did so love wildlife, and the peace and quiet only nature could provide. You could almost see them sitting on the tree branches watching the world around them move but never change.
It was a peace you wish you could feel again.
Slowly making your way into the clearing, you go to stand against the tree's bark, stretching your hand out to stroke it as if you were caressing your mum's forehead when she was sick.
"Hey mum, hey sis" you whisper as if afraid someone might hear you "I know I haven't been here for a while, I'm sorry about that, work has been, a bit of a hassle lately" you chuckle nervously "on the plus side, I met some, new people, they er, came into town and had a bit of an issue, I offered them a place to stay until they could get back on their feet" you raise your hands up in surrender "I know, I know that was not a good idea, but they, quite literally, crashed near my house" oh was that an understatement of the decade.
"You did always say I should help others" pity she never told you if you should help a demon.
You drop your hands and look up into the tree's branches, stretching outwards as if trying to reach out to the other trees for comfort. Quite fitting all things considered.
"I've been managing quite well too, things are still a struggle but hey, that's life for you, always trying to trip you up when you least expect it, oh, mum, you would have loved this one guy's cooking, it was Jamba-something, but, oh my gosh you two, that food was so good it could have rivaled your own cooking" you leaned in close as if to whisper "but don't tell him I said that though, his head is a little too big as it is" you giggle with a large smile on your face.
The silence was your only reply, and as you stood there for a few more seconds, you could feel your fake bravado crack and your weak self took over once more. Tears were already being made and pushed to the corners of your eyes as you bowed your head as if trying to hide your crying,
"It still hurts you know, to sometimes wake up and half expect you to still be sleeping in your own bed because you stayed up late cleaning or what have you, it hurts worse when-" you choke on the next words and clear your throat "I'm trying though mum, I'm trying my hardest, and, I know you would be proud to see me, well, hear me on the radio, I like to think I've gotten the hang of it"
Yeah, and by that, you mean getting constant stares and judgment when you started talking when it was your turn. You really don't know how you've managed all this time. But, your certain she would have been happy, your sister? Well, she would have cringed at some of your jokes but she would have loved the music your co-worker played.
"I'm keeping my promise mum. I swear I am"
You sat down on the ground and lay against the bark, placing your earphones in and playing your more calming and emotional music to help get all this crying out of your system. With any luck, you would be tired and drained to get some proper sleep tonight.
Heh, this was just the first 24 hours of them appearing. It was going to be a full blast when it became a week. The smiling one, Alastor, must be having a field day with all the smiling he's been doing. How is his mouth not cramped from all that smiling? Oh right. Demon.
Alastor was certainly the more, active person, in the group so far. his posture, his smile, his 'talk the talk' and walk the walk' attitude screamed of a person who was confident in themselves while looking down on those he came across.
And yet despite all of this, he was someone you had always hoped to be. Someone who could put a smile on someone's face just from a greeting alone, to be charismatic enough that making a person frown would turn upside down and they would go on with their lives for the next few hours.
But the damage was already done, and your confidence was none existent, the confidence you show on the radio was completely fake.
You've tried so hard to be normal. You've tried so hard to be like all the other 'normal' people outside of your house. And while you had succeeded in blending in with the crowd. You always seemed to still feel out of place. A runt. An outcast shunned by society all because they refused to listen or understand you.
And those demons were now reminding you of your failures and, possibly, sins.
A failure. An actor playing pretend. You were living a lie. A fake.
Even if you keep your promise, nothing would stop your next destination. Hell. Your mum may not have been completely innocent herself, but she did it out of love. Protecting you and your sisters before those bloody sicknesses took her from you.
Besides your conditions, it was another reason why you lived in seclusion.
The only thing keeping you going was the promise you made to your mum. And you plan on keeping your promise to her. It was all you had left.
It was the only thing keeping you standing. And walking.

The creature watching you from the darkness of the trees, tilting its head as it observed your interaction with the tree. Confused. There was life in the tree sure, but not enough to warrant physical responses to your conversation.
Why would you talk to an inanimate object if it couldn't talk back to you? Humans were very strange creatures, then again the only place the creature has ever known was hell. Different appearances, different habits so what would they know?
Observing the area, the creature noticed that the air was filled with peace that you wouldn't get in hell, it was certain its master would like this place too.
It continued to watch in silence as the human sat down against the tree and began to fiddle with something it couldn't see. Although it did notice them picking up a bag and throwing stuff on the ground. The human wasn't a litterer from what it had observed from your home.
It continued to watch in silence as the human put the bag away and sat there with their eyes closed and leaning back against the tree's bark. No emotion on their face but it could easily tell that they were crying, silently.
It left not long after. It needed to tell its master where you were.
Maybe its master would understand you where others couldn't.

Sitting idle for hours on end was not your strong suit, so you play on your phone for a good 2 hours, shifting every now and then so that your lower half wouldn't go numb from lack of activity. Especially your bad leg.
Unfortunately, you were so into your game that you didn't realise the last of the daylight was now gone, and you were now stuck in pitch blackness. You almost panic if it wasn't for the torch still sitting innocently in your lap.
As you turn off your game/music and fumble for the torch to turn it on. You don't notice another person coming into the clearing until you hear the footsteps.
When you finally find the switch and turn it on, you move the light towards the sound. And are met with a pair of black shoes with red trousers. Along with a static sound.
Where did you last see... oh, now you remember who they belong to.
"Hello my dear. Out for a stroll without me?"
You don't say anything at first, feeling completely numb from your crying and more emotionally drained than before.
"I was hoping for some quiet time for myself" you reply tiredly.
"Well then, I'm sure you wouldn't another joining you, it would be fantastic to look at the night sky again, I wonder if the stars have changed at all" he says as he sits down near you, his legs stretched out as he leans back on his arms to look up at the sky.
Not even 5 seconds later he started humming. Loud enough that it would irritate you but not enough that others would hear it.
This was followed by some static sound coming from his head. At least you think it was his head.
Why couldn't this live Slenderman in red leave you alone for 5 bloody minutes?

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