A Moment of Solitude

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You wished you had gotten your glasses before going out back, you could already feel your eyes straining from what light there was left from the darkened sky. It was bad enough that you have to go to work without them, all those eyes staring at you like you had some kind of infection that 'could be contagious'.
As much as you love your job, you sometimes question if applying and getting it was a good idea at all.
Mentally shaking those thoughts aside and removing the frown from your face, you observed your rain catcher with full concentration. Your head was no longer pounding like a drum and the ache in your thigh was still throbbing. But all in all, everything was manageable for you.
Although you did mentally slap yourself as soon as you were out of their sight. Why in the blazes did you think it was alright to tell them all of your issues? It was like you were trying to paint a target on yourself.
'Catch twenty-two' seems to echo in your mind. Or 'damned if you do, damned if you don't'.
Whether you told them or not, they would find out eventually, maybe even pester you into telling them at some point down the line. And that was the last thing you needed.
Well, they already think your crazy from your slapping episode when they first came here. Although that Vaggie woman seemed to know what you were going through since she didn't try to crowd you and simply helped you control your breathing.
Still didn't stop you from not trusting her completely though. But you digress.
Scooping the water from the wheelbarrow, you take the container into the small greenhouse you have and water the small pots that were on the ground and on shelves, making sure to go back to get more when you ran out of water.
Since you don't really eat much, the only thing that lay in the pots were flowers, some you bought recently, others were, well, nostalgic shall we say.
They were a nice reminder of better times. When you remembered what it felt like to feel genuine happiness. Plus they helped you to be more productive around the house rather than lying around like a lazy slob or playing games on your phone and computer the moment you step into your house.
Even if you did forget to water them sometimes. Hey, at least they were still alive, and that's what counted, right?
You immediately jump when you hear the shout followed by a splash, ah, so the spider creature, no, Angle, no, Angel that was it, Angel found the swimwear you bought. Maybe he would like his clothes washed too.
Your thoughts were interrupted by something tapping on the glass, it was the doll-looking girl, she looked nervous as she looked around the greenhouse.
"Didn't mean to disturb you, I was just wondering if you needed any help?" it sounded more like a question.
"I've almost finished thanks" you say as politely as you can "you can look at them if you want to, but, um, could you please not touch them?" if they did have inhuman strength then the last thing you needed was for them to break everything in here.
"Really? Thank you" she looked like a puppy getting a treat, she even put her hands behind her back as she stepped inside to look at the flower pots near the entrance "these flowers look amazing, so different to the hell roses back home"
Hell roses? Since when did hell have flowers? Wasn't it suppose to be a place of eternal damnation? Fire licking their skin as they were burned alive?
No. Stop. Don't question the ways of another realm when you can't even understand the ways of the living world despite being an adult.
"Your garden looks amazing, but why are they inside this, glass shed?"
Did she not know what a greenhouse is?
"It's called a greenhouse, it's meant for plants that prefer warmer climates" you explain patiently, you don't see her confused expression "it's meant to trap the heat inside and ensure that the cold doesn't get in, granted there are times where its best to leave it open as it could cause more harm to the plants" or potentially set on fire.
"Wow" she whispers.
When you turn around, you see her looking at the plants in awe. Like she's never seen them before. Wait. Of course, she hasn't. She just said so. Stupid.
"There is, another reason I came out here" she looked from the pots and began to fiddle with her fingers again, she almost reminded you of yourself, except you would bite your fingernails "could you show me how to use the radio? Alastor is busy cooking and doesn't want to take his eyes off the cooking"
"Are you looking for a certain station? Some play certain music genres" you weren't that stupid about music just being music, you were well aware of the differences of music, you just never placed a label on them.
She seemed to flinch and looked even more nervous as if you were going to lash out "Alastor wanted some Jazz music to listen to while he cooked, says his voice could only do so much"
Sounds rather lazy but then, he was cooking, and you would have to be dumber than a rock to not know that cooking required full attention no matter the outcome.
One of the many reasons why you barely used a cooker and used an air fryer instead.
"What instruments are mainly used in Jazz?" you ask as you pull out your phone that had been in your pocket, you were honestly surprised that it hadn't fallen out during your 'incident' with the red man.
"Uh, trumpet, saxophone, piano" she listed a few other instruments as you try to remember the other stations that you sometimes listened to.
"Unfortunately no other station plays those kinds of music anymore" well they did, but not enough to be considered Jazz music from what little you remember Alastor explained before you fainted "however I do know of another way to play them"
And that was how you decided to use the speakers that hadn't been touched since the day they came here. Let's just hope he doesn't get a headache when it starts playing.

Alastor hummed to himself as he placed the ingredients into the bowl. He had already scouted the kitchen for the needed equipment when you were at work. Music aside, you genuinely weren't doing that bad of a job. He could tell when a person wasn't putting their all in a role. But listening to you during your introduction, your reports, and your jokes, he could immediately tell that you enjoyed doing your job.
However, he had noticed that during some of the jokes, you would end up making two different kinds of chuckling, a genuine one obviously, and the other was one of looking at someone else to see if they were doing the same, only to awkwardly stop when they were giving you 'the look'.
And he hated it when people couldn't take a joke that resulted in one of 'those' laughs. People had no sense of humour anymore. At least you put in the effort, bad jokes or not.
A 'Simple' person living the good life, only to get shunned by others for a simple case of telling bad jokes? The audacity and nerve of those people.
At yet, still entertaining. You weakly spring back into action when they were silently telling you off, a hiccup sure, but nothing more than a minor bump in the road.
Hey, he can give credit where credit was due, he wasn't that heartless. Hehe.
He was still looking for the other half though, let him know when you find it thanks.
His thoughts were cut short by the sound of a piano playing outside the kitchen. Odd, the radio wasn't on... oh, it must be coming from those speakers that were hanging up on the walls. Clever you for avoiding him after that little, dance.
Well, it wasn't exactly what he was hoping for, but it'll do for now. It certainly wasn't a tune he had heard of, but he wasn't going to complain when it was his favourite style of music.
He did so enjoy listening to music while he was cooking, most of the time anyway.
"I wonder if they'll be willing to go on a stroll with me after the meal" he says but not as loud as he usually was "I'm curious as to how deep those woods are at the back of the house, and nothing quite says bonding than a hearty meal before a lovely walk, perhaps that's where they got that lovely scent of oak from" he sighs quietly to himself "if it wasn't for the more advanced technology, I'd say I was home, HA!" he exclaimed, "now THAT'S hilarious, wouldn't you agree?"
A ripple of darkness shimmers near his feet before it went still.
"I thought so too" he chuckles darkly "things are about to get very entertaining indeed"
And he couldn't wait to drag you back onto the stage and see that stage fright on your face once again.

And would you look at that "DINNER IS SERVED!"

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