The Battle

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Nathara POV:
All I could do was gasp in awe at Pytho. I patted his head and ran off to try fighting with Pytho. He immediately took out any pokemon. I went from battle to battle and was victorious in all of them. After a while, I decided to try Sparx.

I walked up to a Flittle and started a battle.

"Sparx! Use ember!" He instantly knocked her out with a eave of red and orange embers. I picked up Sparx, spinning him around in excitement. Then, all of a sudden, I heard a familiar voice.

"LOOK OUT NATHARA!" Before I could turn around or responded, I got tackled to the ground. I looked up, and my face got hot and red when I realized it was Ayaz. He was like half a foot away from my face. I quickly stood up and brushed myself off.

I was genuinely concerned, and I put my hand on his shoulder.

In a nervous and soft tone, I asked,
"Woah woah, calm down. Sre you okay Ayaz..?"

"There was an Arbok about to attack you! But - he seems friendly..?"

"Ohhhhh! That's Pytho! He finally evolved!" I giggled and tucked my hair behind my ear, avoiding eye contact.

"Uhm, so anyway... how are you?"

"I'm good! I had a few battles and had to revive my pokemon a few times, but it was good."

"Relatable! But uhm.. I was wondering so you know how we r stuck together like glue..? So uhm.. I had an idea. Whenever we miss each other in class or anytime.. we could eat each others favorite candy to think about them...?"

"Auhm.. Sure, but I don't want your teeth to rot out." He snickers. "You're kinda' clingy."

"Am not! ... okay, kind've but I won't eat too much! Anyway, my favorite is Skittles! Yours?"

"Mmhh.. The regular kind? I like Reese's Pieces. We'll eat a small pack whenever we miss each other, okay?"

"Okay! Nother question, wanna battle? If so, want me to use Pytho or Sparx?

"Geez.. You already know I'm going to lose. Use Sparx, I guess." He sent out Sprigatito.

"If you say so! You first!"
He had Sprigatito use Bite.

"Sparx, Ember!"
Sparx used ember, and Sprigatito almost got knocked out, but he had one hit left in him.

"Sprigatito Bite!"
Sparx got down to half health and used Ember again, knocking out Sprigatito. I laughed and hugged Ayaz.

"I knew you had no chance." I elbowed him and put Sparx in a pokeball.

"Let's go heal them at a center.

I walked alongside Ayaz to the pokemon center where we healed them.

"So.. I suppose we should head to school. Wanna head to school with me, too?"

"Yeah, sure! I gotta get Sprigatito used to my room, anyway."

I gathered courage to reach for his hand, and he grabbed it as we walked to school together. When we arrived, we parted ways, and I headed to my room. I flopped on my bed and stared at the ceiling and said to myself,

"What is this feeling.."

Ayaz's POV;

She grabbed my hand. She grabbed my hand!? My heart was pounding. Why? I've never felt like this at any other time, so why now?

We parted ways, both of us heading into our rooms. There wasn't much to do since Sprigatito was sleeping, and none of my online friends were up. Maybe I should go out.. Out to my hometown? I could get some ice-types, and begin on my goal!

Full of motivation, I jumped up and put Sprigatito in it's pokéball.

When I arrived in the snowy abyss, I released Sprigatito. We searched for a while until finding a lone Cetoddle. I froze in place, whispering to myself praises. I took out a pokéball, and threw it at the unsuspecting pokémon.

One, two, three.. I caught Cetoddle!

I grinned at my success. I knew I was going to be out in the cold all night after this.

As the night went on, my body felt numb. All I could see was white, and my Sprigatito shivered beside me. "Sorry, buddy.. Uhm, here." I put Sprigatito back into it's pokéball. A few more minutes passed by, and I could barely walk. Suddenly, everything went dark.

As my eyes fluttered open, I stared up at the white ceiling. I slowly sat up and looked around, and that's when a nurse came in. "Oh, you're awake! How are you feeling?" After talking with the nurse for a bit, she mentioned that a friend was waiting for me. I nodded.

A few minutes went by, and Nathara ran into the room.

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