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Natharas POV:
He offered for a spa day. I said yes, and he brought nail stuff,face masks,and a lot more. We ordered pizza and just had a fun night. We cuddled right up to each other when it was over.
"I love my nails."  Ayaz smiled.
"Me too." I dozed off feeling safe. I all of a sudden heard him whisper
"I love you." I was a bit shocked. It had to be platonic, right? He was so out of my league. I ignored it and kept sleeping. In the morning, I woke up before him. I caressed his face and whispered,
"I love you too." I then slowly slipped out from his grip and got up and looked in the mirror.

"I don't want to go to class today.."
All of a sudden, I felt hands around my waist and Ayaz's voice.

"We can skip together if you want. I don't really feel like going either.. I'm sure we could make up the work."

'Can you just email our teachers and tell them we don't feel well..? I really am not mentally there yet."

"Yeah, of course." He nodded. "What should we do today?"

"Wanna go down to Treasure Eatery? It's pretty far, but I heard their food is amazing. Or we can just have a game day. I seriously am not mentally well yet."

"We should go out to eat. We can come back and play some games afterward. I'm seriously craving a hot, fresh meal."

I grabbed my roto phone, brushed my hair, and changed while ayaz went to his dorm to get ready.

I knocked on his door.

"Ayaz, I don't have any jackets or hoodies, can I borrow one?"

"Yeah, sure." He begins going through his bag, pulling out a black hoodie. "It'll be big on you.. I mean, it's big on me, too. I bought it but didn't look at the size." I put it on and uhm yeah. You could say it was big on me.

"Thanks. Now let's go!" We headed to Treasure Eatery and had the most DELICIOUS meal I've ever had. It was so refreshing.

"I'll pay." I started to take out my wallet.

"No, it's okay! I got it, really. I have a ton of cash left from getting gym badges." He took out his wallet and handed me some cash. I sighed and took it, putting it down to pay.

We left for my dorm and turned on a movie.

I fell asleep hugging Ayaz tight.

Ayaz's POV:

We had yet another lazy day. Nathara and I went to the Treasure Eatery, and then went back to her dorm to watch a movie. She had fallen asleep in the middle of it.

I got up, gently laying her on her side and covering her with the blanket. It was time for some training! I changed my clothes and went out, the sunrise was beautiful at this hour. My pokémon seemed to enjoy it aswell, especially Eevee, since she was much more playful than usual.

I smiled as I watched my pokémon frolic around, happier than ever.

Floragato had been more clingy, and it was making me a bit worried. "Are you okay, Floragato?" I looked down at her, a concerned look on my face. She shrugged and leaned against me, burying her face into my side. "Mmh.. Well, you and Eevee are going to spar, okay? I want to make sure she's used to it!" Floragato huffed and nodded, going over to Eevee. They seemed to be talking to eachother, but I just assumed it was about sparring.

Eevee seemed to like the idea, and they immediately began to fight. Eevee was surprisingly powerful, each kick sending Floragato back inch by inch. After a while they stopped, but Eevee was the only one out of breath. Cetitan stomped around happily, and Floragato grinned. Her and Cetitan then began to spar, to my surprise. I've never seen Floragato this fired up.

Cetitan sent Floragato flying, and into a tree. My eyes widened, and I tried to get them to stop, but Floragato began to glow. Her body grew, and she leaped away from the tree, dashing around Cetitan so much it made him dizzy.

Once the glowing had stopped, I noticed that Floragato had evolved into Meowscarada! Her speed was unmatched, and she ended up making Cetitan faint. Meowscarada tackled me to the ground and began licking at my face. "Auh, that ticklesss!" I laughed.

By the afternoon I got a call from Nathara asking where I was at, and if I was okay. I told her everything was fine, quickly going over the good news. She seemed very happy for me.

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