Career Change.

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Ayaz's POV:
The rumors continued to go around. People poked at me and teased me any chance they got, asking if the rumors were true. I always denied them since, of course, they weren't true. Me and Nathara were friends, nothing more.

I decided to take the day easy and go out for pokémon watching. I was thinking about going to find another ice type, but I decided against it since the other times never went well. I could always ask Nathara if she wanted to come with. I mean, she has a fire type that could help!

I smiled to myself and called Nathara. She picked up after a few rings. "Hey, Nathara. Can you come with me to find an ice type? It'd be really appreciated!"

"Uhm.. I suppose so." She murmured. I was a bit confused about why she was so quiet, but then I remembered the rumors. I sighed. "Uhrm, don't be embarrassed because of the rumors. It's okay. Nothing will change our relationship! I'll meet you outside of Glaseado, okay?" I tried to be reassuring, but I'm not sure how much it really helped. "Okay.. I'll be right there!"

A few minutes went by, and we finally saw each other for the first time since the rumors had been spread. It was more awkward than I thought it'd be, and we could barely even look each other in the eye without our faces turning a slight red.

"So, ice-types?" She broke the silence. "Yeah! We should go look for some." We began trudging around the thick snow. We heard a small, weak voice. We weren't exactly sure where it was coming from. "You hear that, too, right?" I whispered to her, and she nodded, pointing over at a cave. "I think it might be coming from over there." She whispered back.After a while, we decided to enter the cave, and to our surprise, there were two small Eevee. They were shivering, their fur practically frozen to the icy floor. Nathara gasped, letting out Fuecoco to warm the baby Eevee's up. We took the small pokémon in our arms and rushed off to a pokémon center.

Thirty minutes went by, and the nurse came out. Both Eevee were bouncing around, happier than ever. "Both of your pokémon are fine! What happened to those poor things? Their eyes were almost frozen shut!"

"Oh, well.. They aren't our pokémon. We found them in a cave around Glaseado, and they were freezing.. So, of course, we brought them here." I shrugged, and the nurse nodded. "I see. Are you going to release them?" I looked over at Nathara. "Do you want us to release them, or should we keep them, Nathara?" I gave her a small smile.

Nathara's POV:
"AWE! Look, Ayaz! Their so adorable!" I bent down and played with them. "Can we keep them?"
"I mean, yeah.. I asked if you wanted to keep them." He shrugged. "I want to keep one.. Maybe it'll become a Glaceon!" He picked one of the Eevee up to cradle it. "They're so small.."
"I know! It's so CUTE!!" I picked the other one up and cradled it. I got the energetic one, and I tickled its stomach.
"Oh hi sweetie! I'm gonna name you...Eve!" I thanked the nurse and walked to my dorm. I let Eve play around in my room. I called Ayaz.
He picked up right away.

"So.. Ayaz, I have news -"

"What is it? Good or bad?"

"Good- I think. So.. rescuing the Eevees had an impact on me and.. I want to change my career path. I want to rescue pokemon."

"Ohh.. Well, you know I'll support you any way I can."

"Thank you. So I was thinking, wanna go looking right now? Eve,pytho,sparx,and dratini will be my buddies. And I was thinking after rescuing them, we can have a rehab center almost. We can keep some and release some."

"Sure! I'm free pretty much all week. Ah, alright. That sounds good to me."

"Okay! Meet me at Porto Marinada!" I hung up and put Eve in my bag. She's gonna be my purse pokemon. Her little head stuck out as she panted. I laughed and made my way to Porto Marinada.

Once we got there, I got in the water looking for hurt pokemon or in danger, pokemon. While treading through the water, I saw a baby psyduck with a plastic ring around its neck and choking. I ran towards it and picked it up.  I quickly started gently removing the plastic and tucking it in my pocket. I massaged its throat to help it breathe and open up.

"Ayaz! Look at this poor thing.."
He gasped, a frown on his face. "Poor guy."
"We need to get him to a center. Quick."
I ran to the nearest pokemon center and got him helped. I then brought him home and placed him in a bed with a tank beside him.

"Hey. We should both get licenses to you know, heal pokemon ourselfs. Then we can open a rehabilitation center and pokemon center and stuff and raise rescued babies and release helped pokemon, and yeah! Are you down?"

"Uhm.. Yeah, I guess. I still want to become a gym leader, though, Nathara. I'm not saying I won't help you out! I'm just reminding you."

"Yeah, yeah, I know.. but it would be good so you can volunteer and stuff."

"Mhm, I know. I'm glad we were able to help that little guy! He seems to be resting easily."

"Yeah, I am too. I'm gonna name him.. Survivor." I looked at Survivor with a feeling of pride. I knew I was going to help a lot of pokemon. I called Director Clavell.

"Director Clavell? Is it possible to get a license to like... rehabilitate and heal pokemon at the academy? Like a veterinary license?"

"Hm.. Possibly. You'd have to take classes to make sure you're even capable of doing so."

"That's fine! I'll do whatever I need to. Do I need to meet with you to start the classes?"

"Give me a moment, Nathara. I have a few friends that could help you get a license." He picks up his phone, staying on the line for a few minutes before hanging up. "I have a friend coming. They will help you learn, okay? They also have the ability to give you your license once they think you've learned enough."

"Okay! Thank you! Coming to my dorm?"

"No. They probably won't be here for a few days, since they're coming all the way from Kanto. I'll tell you when they arrive."

"Okay thank you!" I hung up and played with Eve. I was excited to help thousands of lifes.

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