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Nathara's POV:
I decided to go to Kanto. I had one week left with Ayaz.
So, 7 days to hang out with Ayaz and them the day of my flight.

*7 days left*

"Ayaz.. I decided to go to Kanto. I have one week till my flight." I tried not to cry.

"Oh.." He looked at me, seeming as if he was about to tear up, but he instead smiled. "Let's make this a week to remember, then." I smiled and grabbed his hand.


"Sure!" I ran off to the mall. I walked up to stores and bought stuff like crazy.

"LOOK! Build a pokémon!" I dragged him over. WE CAN MAKE A MEWTWO! AND A BULBASAUR, AND A LECHONK PLUSH!" I WANT A LECHONK!" I was very excited.

He laughed at how excited I was. "I want a Bulbasaur!" I grabbed a Lechonk and Bulbasaur, handing the Bulbasaur to Ayaz. I then got in line, getting a heartbeat, sound, and a scented heart. I was spoiling myself today. I then stuffed it, giggling as I did. Then was the "cleaning" station. This was my favorite part.

I stepped on the pedal, making the machine start. I then grabbed the brush and started scrubbing my Lechonk plush. I finished and smoothed out the fur. Second to last was clothes. I browsed.

"Do I want the Pikachu jacket or the Eevee scarf.?"

"You should get the Pikachu jacket! I think it'll look cuter."

"You're right!" I dressed up Lechonk and then grabbed a fold-out mini bed. I proceeded to certificate.

"Hmm.. I'm gonna name him.. Chonky!" I did the certificate and went to checkout. It was a lot more expensive than I thought.. oh well! I waited for Ayaz to finish.

"What did you name your Bulbasaur?"

"Leafy.. I was going to name it Ivy, but that would fit more for an Ivysaur."

"Cool!" I then skipped around. We visited a bunch of stores, ee then left each carrying 15 bags at the least. I was, once again, spoiling myself.

"Where to now?"

"Mmhh.. We should go to that one ice cream shop! They have some super good flavors."

"Whatever you wanna do!"

We went to the ice cream store. We messed around and ended up only actually eating 50% of the ice cream. The Sunway

Ayaz's POV;

*6 days left*

When the day was over, we both decided to go to my dorm. All the baked goods were out on the counter, which shocked Nathara. "Wow!" She exclaimed. "I don't think I've ever seen you have so many cookies."

I laughed and told her that the cookies were for her, and she seemed overjoyed. We talked for the night but eventually fell asleep. I wonder what we would do tomorrow? We surprisingly didn't wake up until the afternoon. I guess we both needed a good rest after all that shopping.

"So, what should we do today?" I asked, but then immediately got an idea. "Wait," I spoke, "How about we go snowboarding? I can teach you! It's super fun, and Glaseado has some great paths."

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