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Nathara's POV:
Me and Ayaz spent the next day and 3/4 setting up the "Nathara Rescue Reserve." We had a bunch of small beds,big beds,medium beds, baskets, purses, and then an area in back for me to work my magic. (That was all in back) In front we have a store for pokemon supplies and a drop off area. Me and Ayaz set up a red ribbon for a grand opening.

"I'm so excited.. this is what I've been waiting for for so long!"

"I bet. This is amazing! You're reaching your goal so fast."

"But I'm also really scared.. what if I fail?"

"You won't fail, Nathara. You're capable of so many things."

"Thanks, Ayaz. You've always been my number one supporter."

"Mhm!" He smiled at me, his cheeks a bit red. I grabbed his hand and cut the ribbon. This was it. My dream came true. All of a sudden, I spotted a weak looking Bellibolt. I rushed over and picked it up, quickly putting it on a medical table in the back. I checked its age. It was an old,weak, and frail pokemon. I cared for it and fed it. I put it in a bed and let it rest.

"Poor guy. He doesn't have long left. We mine as well give him a nice life, right?"

I cared for him and gave him love and attention. Out of nowhere, his health started to decline. Quick. I called Ayaz to come over ASAP to the tent. By the time he was here, I was holding the limp Bellibolt in my arms.

"He's gone."
I tried to keep it together and I grabbed a big bag and put it in. He frowned and got closer to me, wrapping his arms around my shoulders.
"I'm sorry, Nathara."

"It's okay.. cycle of life, I guess." I started to tear up as I went outside, digging a grave for it and burying it.

"I gotta suck it up. Other pokemon need me.."

"It's okay to be sad. Cry if you need to." I turned around and buried my head in his shoulder. I started sobbing.

"Maybe I shouldn't do this job.. I can't handle the deaths." I kept crying, my arms wrapped around him.

"I know it's sad, Nathara.. But you're a great rescuer. You'll be able to help so many pokémon, and they'll be grateful for you." I sniffled,

"Maybe you're right.." I coughed and wiped my face.

"Wanna help out? I could use someone to stay in the front while I'm in the back."

"Yeah, sure." I led him out front to take customers while I cleaned up and calmed down. He brought back a

"Yeah, sure."

I led him out front to take customers while I cleaned up and calmed down. He brought back a Snorunt that was bleeding and warm. I quickly put him on a cold area and put pressure on wounds. I then stitched up any wounds,cleaned the blood, and bandaged him. He then fell asleep to rest.

I was going to help so many pokemon.

Ayaz's POV:

The pokémon that Nathara was looking after had died, but of course that didn't stop her from continuing to help other pokémon in need.

After dark, I told her that I was heading back to my dorm to rest. The conversation was a bit awkward since I told her I loved her. It was a platonic thing, though!

When I got to my dorm I immediately passed out, only to wake up with Meowscarada standing over me, looking worried. I felt hot, and my mind was in a daze. I threw the covers off me, but it barely helped.

As I sat up, I got a sudden pain in my temple, making me gasp. "Augh!" I quickly laid back down and grabbed my phone, calling Nathara. She answered after a ring or two. "Hey, Nathara... Uhm, can you come over, please? I don't know what's up with me... But I'm hot, and uh, dizzy."

"What did you do this time!? Never mind that- I'm running over right now." She then barged through my dorm door, and I hung up the call.

"I didn't do anything, I swear! I just.. may have caught the flu? Ugh.. sorry." I huffed out, suddenly feeling exhausted.

"You're fine. I'll tend to you while you're sick." She started rummaging through a bag, grabbing an ice pack.

She then began to care for me, pampering me until dusk. My head was in her lap, and she was gently stroking my hair as she stared at the TV.

Oh, how much I wanted to tell her I love her. She was perfect in so many ways.

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