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Nathara POV:
I ran over to Ayaz, holding back tears.
"AYAZ!? AYAZ ANSWER ME!" I grabbed him and shaked him. He was limp, and his forehead was bruised.
"AYAZ!" I picked up his limp body in a bridal position and sprinted to the hospital, screaming

"PLEASE..HELP! I FOUND HIM LIMP AND UNCONCIOUS IN A CAVE.. PLEASE HELP!" My body was still freezing. I didn't care about anyone or anything. I only cared about Ayaz.
They took him back, and I couldn't sit still. I paced back and forth,chewing my nails,crying, banging on the wall, etc.

After what felt like days, they told me he was stable and I could visit him. But first, they wanted to check me because I was still shivering. They took me back,warmed me up, and gave me fluids. After they finished up, I ran to Ayaz's room.

There were so many machines hooked up to him, and he was still unconscious. I walked to the side of his bed and held his hand while crying in fear. Eventually, he finally woke up after I took a small nap.

"AYAZ! YOUR OKAY!" I hugged him tigheter than ever. I sat on his bedside, just holding him ever so grateful. I ended up falling asleep holding his arm.

I woke up the next morning in the chair and Ayaz with less machines hooked to him.
"Ayaz?" I gently touched his arm and he twitched. I decided to let him sleep and I left. I went to my dorm pacing back and forth constantly thinking about him .

I hope he's okay.

Ayaz POV:
When I awoke, I was much warmer than before. I moved my fingers and balled my hands into a fist a few times before sighing.

Here in the hospital once again. How long was I here? Someone came into the room, and assuming it was a doctor, I began asking her questions. We talked for quite a while, and she mentioned Nathara bringing me here. "Nathara saved me?" I tilted my head. "Mhm! If she brought you any later, your organs would have shut down."

My eyes widened. "Ah... Could you call her so she can visit me?" She nodded. "She was here earlier, but I can call her to let you know that you're awake. I mean, you were awake when she was here... But I guess you might've been a bit out of it then. I'll go call her right now." The doctor got up and left the room.

Nathara had saved me. I guess I underestimated how much she cares for me. If I had a pack of Skittles, I'd eat a few. It felt like an eternity before Nathara finally came running into the room. "Auh, Nathara!" I hugged her tight. "Thank you so much... I don't know what I'd do without you."

"It's no problem. BUT WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT!? I HAD A WHOLE BREAKDOWN! You dummy." I nervously laughed and let go of her. "I'm sorry... I always get in trouble when it comes to being in cold environments. Uhm, could you come with me to get an ice stone once I'm out, please?" She scoffed and rolled her eyes, acting as if I had just said the dumbest thing she's ever heard. "No way! You're staying in my dorm to rest. I'll go get one for you while you rest."

I was a bit taken aback, but eventually agreed to rest in her dorm after I was able to leave the hospital.

A few days went by until I was able to leave. I stayed in Nathara's dorm, and she surprised me with an ice stone. I grinned and jumped up. "Woah, thank you! Now I can evolve Cetoddle.. Ah, I'm just like Grusha!"

She smiled and giggled at how excited I was, making me a bit embarrassed.We went outside, and evolved Cetoddle into Cetitan. We were shocked at how big it was, since it looked much smaller on TV.

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