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Nathara's POV:
I decided I should probably train. I went outside and trained my pokemon, letting them run around. All of a sudden, Fuecoco glowed. He evolved into a Crocalor! He looked even cuter now. I sat down and let them run around. I ended up falling asleep, letting them spar. When I woke up, SPARX WAS ALREADY A SKELEDIRGE!? I ran up and patted him.

"I'm so sorry, bud! I was sleeping -" Out of nowhere, Sparx ran off like he was leading me somewhere. He led me to a puppy maschiff. I checked its pulse, and it was still alive,just unconscious. I picked it up and rushed once again to the nearest Poke center. I paced back and forth in the waiting room.

"Maschiff is stable but has injuries to the spine and left hind leg. We gave them a cast for the leg and a brace. Bring him back in a few weeks."

"Okay, thank you!" I cradled the puppy in my arms. I then went to my dorm and syringe fed it food.

"I'm gonna name you.. Buddy!" I laid Buddy down in a puppy bed and called Ayaz.

"So Ayaz.. may or may not have rescued a Machiff. Also, Sparx is a Skeledirge now."

"Ah, that's good! Wowh.. Wasn't he a Fuecoco like a day ago?"

"Yeah - he evolved into Crocalor when I was watching him and I guess into a Skeledirge when I was sleeping."

"That's amazing! So, uh.. Did you actually need anything?"

"Uhm- well, kinda. 1. I was wondering if you want to come over. I miss you and 2. Wanna come see Buddy?" That's what I named the Maschiff."

"Yeah, I'll come over! I'm getting ready for the next gym. Gonna be fighting Iono next."

"Yay! Oh, for me, I have Kofu next! Anyway, see ya soon!" I hung up and bent down, petting Buddy. Then Ayaz came in and was greeted by a loud barking from Buddy.

"Oh, sorry. Well, this is Buddy!"

"It's all good." He smiled and reached down to pet buddy. "He's cute. What happened to him?"

"Skeledirge led me to him. He appeared like he was attacked or something. Maybe hunted by someone horrible? But he has a broken hind left leg and spinal issues."

"Oh! That's horrible.. Poor guy. Uhm, there have been pokémon hunters coming here from Kalos."

"That would explain why Skeledirge was so worried. We need to be on high alert then. Anyway, can we watch a movie?"

"Yeah, suree.. What do you wanna watch? I can't stay for long, though."

"But I want to hang out and cuddle!" I crossed my arms. "Hmph. I guess it's a horror movie."

"We can cuddle later! I'm trying to get noticed by Grusha. I'm going to ask Iono if she can talk to Grusha for me and ask if we can meet."

"But! Fineeee." A while passed, and Ayaz left for the Iono gym. I felt lonely, so I left and just went for a walk. Then i remebered, Missing people reports are on a rise. I didn't feel safe. I ran back to my dorm and locked myself in.

I want Ayaz..

Ayaz's POV:

Nathara had been saving lots of pokémon, and her dorm was getting messier each time she brought a new baby pokémon to her dorm. She has a good heart, but I couldn't get over the revolting smell.

When I left her dorm, I made my way to the third gym, where I would be fighting Iono. She specializes in electric-types, and her gym challenge was surprisingly easy.

As I stepped onto the field there were people chanting Iono's name.

"Ladies and gentlemens! Are you readyy!?" Inono shouted, throwing her arms in the air. Not that you could see her arms, since she always had a jacket on, that was much too big for her. The crowd got even louder. "Your eyeballs are mine—caught in my electroweb! Whosawhatsit? Iono!" She grinned at the crowd, seeming prideful in her loyal fans. "'Ello, 'ello, hola! Ciao and bonjour!" Her fans repeated the first sentence, throwing their arms in the air and swinging them wildly. This was a lot to take in.

"It's time for the Iono Zone, everybody!" She giggled as she spun around. A roto-phone went around the field, and stopped in front of Iono. "Today's challenger is flyin' high like a Wattrel! It's Ayaz! Yayy!" I honestly had no idea what she was talking about, so I just grinned at the camera and hoped that the battle would start soon. Maybe Nathara was watching. The camera flew into my face, making me jump back.

"Geez, can't we just start the battle already?" I was ignored. Iono quickly stood beside me.

"How're ya' feelin' about this battle, Ayaz?" I shrugged and sighed. She rolled her eyes at me and stepped back. "All righty, then! Who's ready to see me kick some butt?" The crowd went wild once again. "Looks like you're all gettin' hyped!" A message on the screen popped up, saying someone by the name of Electro King had donated 5,000 dollars! "Ah, thank ye' muchly, Electro King!"And finally, it was time to battle. "Let's get this show on the road! How strong is our challenger? I 'unno! Let's find out together."

She sent out her first pokémon, Wattrel. I decided to show off Meowscarada, and crowd gasped in awe. A few hits and Wattrel was knocked out, making Iono send out her second pokémon.

Bellibolt, Luxio, and Mismagius were all taken out by Cetitan after Meowscarada fainted.

I got my badge, and went to tell Nathara the good news.

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