Jealous, Once Again

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Nathara's POV:
My very own rescue..Ayaz looked like he was trying to be happy for me, but I knew something was wrong. I tried not to think about it. I arrived at the rescue and realized right away, there were renovations needed.

I started crafting a sign design and came up with a sign with paws and pokéballs, with "Nathara's Pokémon Rescue." It was perfect I hung it up and looked inside. It looked like an old shelter.

After many days and settling my pokémon, I was open for business.

I still was thinking about Ayaz. Was I being selfish? Did he hate me..? I tried to call him.


It went straight to voice mail.

Hello, this is Ayaz the soon-to-be Champion Trainer! I'm sorry I can't get to the phone right now, or I didn't feel like answering! Thank you!

It only rang twice.. did he.. hang up? No, he, couldn't have. Maybe his phone is dead? No, but then it wouldn't have rung at all.. I need to stop thinking about it. I need to focus on my business. I set up a big opening ceremony that, more people than I thought attended! I then walked inside and went to the front desk.

I had a lot of business on the first day. And a lot of calls about wild pokémon. There were a lot of pokémon I couldn't release.. so I kept them! Some of the ones I can't release, I adopt out to people who are good with special need pokémon.

I was able to manage it all alone.. I was so happy. I closed for the day and relaxed in my chair, so proud.

But I couldn't help but wonder..

Why was Ayaz ignoring me.. did he hate me?

(Breezy here! I'm so sorry we haven't written in a while <3 I've had writers' block, and we've been busy. But we have an estimated 4 chapters left!)

Ayaz's POV;

Training, training, training. That's all I could think about. Getting stronger, surpassing everyone. Being able to defeat any champion from any region.

Nathara called me, but I declined the call. I couldn't have any distractions, especially from someone like her. My feelings had been getting the better of me, and I let her take all my attention away from my goal.

Tulip, and then Grusha.
I was going to destroy both of them. I'd show them what true power is!

I made my way to Tulip's gym, wasting no time taking out her pokémon. Once I had the seventh badge, I trudged up the snowy mountain, confidence practically radiating off me. When I entered the building, I felt everyone's eyes turn to me.

Maybe they had heard about me, or maybe I was just an interesting-looking character. Either way, I didn't care. All I needed to do was complete the gym challenge and then show Grusha who was the best ice-type trainer... Not that I had a full team of ice-types, but I was getting to it!

After completing the gym challenge I went up onto the field, and there stood Grusha, my childhood idol. The one that I had deemed the most powerful trainer in the world was standing in front of me, giving me an ice-cold stare. Before I could even think, he had released his first pokémon.

It was my time to shine. My time to show everyone how good I could be... The battle went on for what seemed like hours, but to Grusha, it had only been a few seconds before all my pokémon had been knocked out. He had shown me the icy bite of reality...

Everything went black, and I woke up in Nathara's arms. "Oh, Ayaz!" She smiled down at me. I didn't say anything. What was there to even say? I had been being a jerk for the past few days to toughen up, but it resulted in me completely embarrassing myself. "Ayaz?" She repeated my name like a broken record.

A sigh left my lungs, and I sat up, waiting for her to ask where I was going, or if I was okay. But she didn't say anything. She let me leave. Was she mad? Maybe she was upset. Yeah, her being upset was the most reasonable answer. I mean, I'd probably be sad if my best friend was ignoring me, too.

The entire night I felt like puking up my guts. I was such a terrible friend, and now she probably never wants to spend time with me again. All this nonsense had made us drift apart, and it was all my fault. Why was I even jealous? It's not like I'm trying to be a pokémon rescuer.

"Geez, I really am a horrible person, aren't I?" I whispered to myself, holding back a sob.

Over the next few days, I hadn't heard a thing from Nathara, and I hadn't tried to contact her at all. It's like we never even knew each other.

I trained, and trained, and trained. Completely draining my pokémon of their energy. They had seemed less motivated... I wonder why?

'I wonder why?' That was such a stupid thing to ask. What was wrong with me? I'm abusing my pokémon. When was the last time I had a nice picnic with my pokémon? My mind is too foggy to remember. All I've been focused on is my goal.

I decided to lay out a blanket on the grass, a nice view of the sun setting in front of us as we all enjoyed a few sandwiches. This was... surprisingly calming. I grabbed a pack of Skittles from my lunchbox and popped a few in my mouth.

The sweet taste reminds me of her.

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