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Nathara's POV:

I was sitting in my tent, binge-eating Reese's pieces. I wish I could tell him how I feel. I was sitting out front when this lady came up with a severely injured Hawlucha. I rushed it back and checked the injuries. It looks like a pokémon was too aggressive. There was a deep scratch. I put pressure on the wound and stitched close the scratch. I then bandaged them and put a small bird cone on.

I put Hawlucha in a bed and walked out.

"Okay, Hawlucha needs to stay here for a day or 2 to make sure they're stable, then they can go home with you, okay?"

"Okay.. here's my number."

I wrote down the number and went back to watch Hawlucha. A few days later, I returned Hawlucha to the lady. After that, I got a call.


"Hello. Is this Nathara from Nathara's Rescue Reserve?"


"We would like to interview you for saving the famous Diantha's Hawlucha."

Wait.. that was someone famous!?

"Uhm.. okay, when is it?"

"Today at 4:00 pm SHARP in Paldea Port Marinada. At your rescue!

"Oh! Okay, thank you! Do I need to give you guys a tour?"

"That would be great! See you at 4:00!"

They hung up, and I was in shock. I giggled about who she was, and she was an elite four in Kalos!? Why's she over here- That doesn't matter. This is big for me!

Hours later, the newscasters got here.

I was on the news. I  couldn't believe it. Was Ayaz watching?

"Why did you become a rescuer?"

"Well, I and my friend were searching for an ice stone, and we saw two frozen baby Eevees. I kept one." I took out Eve, and people took photos like crazy.

"What other pokémon have you rescued and kept?"

"This baby Psudyck, named Survivor, and this puppy Maschiff named Buddy." I showed them all 3.

"How did Diantha react when you rescued her pokémon?"

"She was very grateful and tipped a generous amount. I'm very grateful, I hope to grow my rescue."

"How do you feel about the award you're going to get?"

"Award? I'm getting an award!?"

"Yes! Take it out, people!" The news crew took out a wooden box and opened it. It had an award that looked like a pokéball on a pokémon bed. There was my name carved into it.

"Woah.. thank you so much!" They pulled out a medal also and put it around my neck, then handed me the box. They told me to pose, and I posed as paparazzi took photos. I couldn't believe it..

"May we have a tour?"

"Yes!" I showed them around the tent. After what felt like days, they announced it was time to go. I bowed to the newscaster as they left.

I couldn't believe it.

Days after it was aired, my business started booming. I called Ayaz.

"We need to expand."

Ayaz's POV;

I got a call from Nathara, telling me that we needed to expand. I knew what she was talking about but I didn't have the time to help. I have my own goal, and she knows that. Regardless, I told her yes, that I would help her no matter what. She was the light of my life.

I put my pokémon away, which I had been bulking up for the entire week. They could take out the entire elite four, I'm sure of it! I had created a much stronger bond with them. I was more confident than ever in myself and my pokémon.

I met with Nathara and helped her set up a bigger tent. Out of nowhere, Diantha walked up to us. "Hello!" She nodded at Nathara. "I wanted to award you with something with actual use, so.. I had a building made for you. It's large and will be much better than those... Uhrm, tents."

Nathara looked shocked and then squealed. "Oh my God... Really!? Thank you so much!" She turned to me and grinned. "Ayaz, my dream is coming true!"

I smiled and nodded at her, trying to suppress my rage and jealousy. How come she got to have her dream come true? How come one of the greatest trainers in the world awarded her? It wasn't fair.

I went to my dorm, contemplating what I should do. Train? Defeat the rest of the gym leaders? That's what I'll do. Catch pokémon, and defeat the remaining gym leaders. My grin was wide. Finally, I get to feel the happiness Nathara feels!

I trained and caught two new pokémon. Bisharp and Arctibax, the pokémon that would bring me to the top. I went back to my dorm and rested for the next day. The day that everyone would see how great I was.

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