Level Up

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Nathara's POV:

I was lying in my bed, hugging Sparx when I got a phone call. Was it from the hospital? I picked up my phone and answered it.

"Is this Nathara ______"
"Yes.. Why?"
"Your Ayaz ______'s emergency contact. We wanted to inform you that Ayaz ______ is in the hospital. They were found unconcious outside of Montenevera." I was touched. I was his emergency contact, I mean - he was mine too, but I was still touched.
"I- IM ON MY WAY RIGHT NOW." I threw my phone on the bed and sprinted to the hospital, never stopping. Once I got to the hospital, I bent over and caught my breath while talking to the receptionist,

"Im....Nathara _____... here for....Ayaz ____"

"Okay, Room 412. Just down the hallway to your left in the elevator floor 4."
I sprinted to the room and waited outside the room until they said I could go in. When they said I could go in, I sprinted into the room and to his bedside.

"WHAT ARE YOU DUMB!? I WAS SO WORRIED!!!!" I hugged him tight and sat on his bedside.

"Well, as long as you're okay.. I'm happy."

"Auh.. Sorry, Nathara." He smiled.  "I'm surprised at how worried you are.. The nurse said that I was fine."

"Well still! That was dumb!" I crossed my arms. "When do you get out? I'll let you stay in my dorm while you recover."

"I can take care of myself.." He huffed. "I don't know. I'll ask the nurse when she comes back in."

"If you insist!" I stood up and hugged him one last time. "Call me if you need me, okay.. I'm just worried. But alas. Adios!" I walked out and back to my dorm and flopped on my bed, staring at the ceiling.
All of a sudden, I felt nauseous. I sat up and held my stomach until it went away.
Later, I decided I should start training for my first gym. I walked around doing battle after battle, leveling up my pokemon. After a while, another trainer came up to me.

"Hey! So I just caught a Dratini, but I already have one, so I'm giving it away to the first person I see. You're the lucky person I saw! Want a Dratini?"
I was in shock.
"Uhm- thank you, but yes!!" Then they handed me a pokeball and walked off. I threw the pokeball, and a Dratini actually came out! I stared in awe and smiled, putting Dratini away and running off to my dorm to eat a small pack of reeses pieces.

Ayaz's POV;

Once Nathara left, my mother came in. She had tears in her eyes. "Ayaz, what is wrong with you!? You should've had someone go with you.. Even then, why would you go out at midnight!?" My mother continued to scold me until she pulled me into a tight hug. "I love you.. I don't want you getting hurt."

"I love you, too, mom.. The nurse said that I'm fine. You don't have to worry so much! I'm fifteen." She scoffed. "Fifteen and very irresponsible."

We talked for a while until the nurse came in, telling me that I could get back into my clothes and go home.

Our way home was silent.

Days later, I had figured out that Nathara had already beaten the first gym. "Nathara beat the first gym!? Geez, she's going to become champion-ranked before me!" I gritted my teeth in annoyance. It was time to do some training.

I had Cetoddle and Sprigatito spar for the rest of the day. By then, we were all tuckered out. I had them both healed and decided to make my way back to Mesagoza.

It was already dark, and I felt as if something was watching me. Just as I turned to look behind me, a wild pokémon tackled me. I gasped and crawled away, taking a pokéball from my waist. "Sprigatito, go!" I threw the pokéball, releasing Sprigatito.

They began to fight, but Sprigatito wasn't even close to winning. "Auh, geez.." Then, Sprigatito started glowing. Her body grew in size, and she hit the wild pokémon with Magical Leaf, landing a critical hit and knocking the opponent pokémon out!

Once the light had dimmed, I saw Sprigatito's new form. She had evolved into Floragato!

Now we were definitely ready for the first gym. I finally made it back to my dorm. I practically passed out once my body hit the soft, warm sheets.

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