Episode 6

150 11 7


Rey: Six hundred and eight. Six hundred and nine. Six hundred and ten.

Rey was doing push ups while W and Lili were sitting on his back.

Lili: *giggling*

W: Are you sure you can keep up?

Rey: I'm fine. I'm not even tire. You two are light as a feather. I can do more then a thousand.

W: I can see that.

Lili: Come on do a million! I know you can do it!

Rey: *smiles* On it.

W: Your not really doing a million aren't you?

Rey: Yes I am!

W: How about if you use some of the weight you order. They weigh more then me an Lili.

Rey: I like it like this. And I can talk with someone while I'm at it.

W: You really feel confident of your strength don't you?

Rey: More then ever. I feel like I could do anything. Literally.

Lili: Really? Anything?

Rey: Yep.

Lili: Then confess your feelings for W.

Rey,W: Lili!

Lili: What? You said anything. Am I right?

Rey: But not that.

W: What you don't like me?

Rey: Well-

W: Oh I see you still like Nagato! Angry jealous* You still like her more then me because she's stronger the me. Because she kiss you?! Is that it??

Lili: A girl kiss big brother on the lips? I can't wait to tell this to mom and dad.

Rey: Don't you dare do that to me Lili! Mom won't stop telling me to merry her! You know how she got when she found Zero Two and Noah were dating!

Lili: But is fun.

Rey: Off my back!

W throws Lili off Rey back and lands on his bed.

Lili: Bouncy.

W: So you like strong and talls girls that have long black hair and red eyes. Is that it?

Rey: Calm down W-

W: Is that it? Is that why you let her kiss you? Oh I know because she show you her soft side. Is that it Rey!

Rey: Oh you need to calm the hell down.

W: I work my ass to make you like me! Hell I even use my body! And you still wouldn't fall for me! Why does she has that I don't! A better body?! Is that it?!

Lili: I love drama.

W: Shut up!

Lili: Dramatic.

W: I am not dramatic!

Rey: That's enough with the temper tantrum W.

W: Admit it! You like Nagato more then me!

Rey: Is not true W-

W: Admit it!

Rey begin to get angry.

Rey: QUIET W!!

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