Episode 29

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Rey punches an Ogretail. Sending it flying and crashing the other Argamis. As he then wistood the claw strike from a Hannibal, held a tight grip on the Hannibal arm and begin to swing the Hannibal in circles. Hitting multiple Argamis at the same time. As he them threw the Hannibal. Sending it crashing against the other Argamis.

W was dodging the strikes from a Hannibal. As she points her palm at the Hannibal and blows it's up with her explosion ability. She then punch the ground. Creating an explosion shockwave. Forcing the Argamis around her to stumble and fall.

Nagato grab the head of two Hannibals and smash their head against each other. As she then grab the tail of an Ogretail and rips it off. And use it's axe tail to impale multiple Argamis and slash their head off. As she threw the axe with great force. Going through multiple Aragamis.

Shinon stood far away. Aims with her Sniper. And begin to shoot. Shooting at the Argamis in the head and chest. Killing them and slowing them down. As she saw a Garm about strike Nagato from behind. In response she shot multiples bullets at the Garm in the head and stomach. Killing it.

Nagato: Thanks!

Shinon: No pro-

An Ogretail came from behind her. She wasn't able to shoot in time. Yet Rey saw it coming. Grab his shield from his back and threw it. Hitting multiple Argamis and hit the Ogretail that was about to kill Shinon. Killing it, bouncing from multiple Argamis and returning back to Rey hand.

Rey: Keep your eyes open!

Yet more and more Argamis kept on coming.

W: Where the hell are these Aragamis coming from?!

More and more Aragamis kept and kept coming from the walls, cealings and floors. All surrounding them.

W: Jesus Christ! Too many of them!

Shinon: Rey go berserk or something!

Rey look at Nagato and Nagato nodded. As Rey eyes begin to glow green. But to their luck not one, not two but ten Anubis came from the ground. All rushing towards them.


With Alisa.

Alisa was completely surrende by all types of Aragamis.

Alisa: Tch.

All the Argamis rush towards her at the same time. In response she jump and lands on top of a Hannibal head and impales the Hannibal right through it's head and jaws with her long Blade. A Garm blasted a fireball. In response she change her Long Blade into a shield. Blocking the fireball. Another Ogretail, swing it's blade at her. Yet she perry through the attack, switch the shield to her Long Blade again and slash the Ogretail in half. As she jump in the air and switch her Long Blade into her Gatling gun and begin to shoot at all the Argamis below. As she landed on the ground. Even more Argamis kept on coming. This time Hannibals and Anubis came from the ground and cealings.

Alisa: The hell?!

Alisa points her Gatling Gun at Hannibals and Anubis. Shooting all the ammo she had. She was able to kill the Hannibals. But the Anubis took very little damage.


Alisa: Bring it on!!!

Before the Anubis could rush towards her. One of the Prison Mech came rushing and tackle the Aragamis out of the way.

Seth: Need a hand?

Alisa: Just this time.

Changing scene.

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