Chapter 48 {Why Is It So Difficult?!}

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"This is a strange-looking room..." Roselyn commented as she looked around. "There isn't any wax here." She was right, unlike the area just outside of it that was riddled with cracks and waxes, it was left alone.

" looks like those bees didn't touch this place." Avelyn furrowed her brows. "How odd."

"But this room or chamber...whatever it is, feels strange." Kathryn pursed her lips. "Don't you guys feel it? There's definitely still some magic still lingering here." Her amber eyes narrowed in caution.

"And these carvings...I think these are runes." Erina peered over the stone hedges. She hummed as she wanted to brush off some of the dirt to see it better.

"Don't touch that!" Kathryn shouted in warning but it was too late. As Erina's hand touched the stone hedges, its ruins began to glow in golden light.

"Ah! It wasn't me this time!" Cynthia exclaimed, wanting to point it out for once.

Golden light enclosed within the stone hedges as they slowly felt them being sucked toward it.


"What is this?!"

"I'm sorry!!

"Dammit, why is it so difficult to get this quest fucking done?!" Cynthia yelled in rage as they all were quickly pulled into the bright unknown vortex.

Only their jars of golden honey were left behind...



It was a blurry sight as she struggled to open her eyelids. A pained groan escaped her lips as she slowly got up from her back. 'This is really becoming a normal thing...' Cynthia thought, referring to her other black-out occurrences.

"What the...." She gaped as she was welcomed by the sight of trees tall as skyscrapers and green of flora as far as she could see. "Did I shrunk or something?" The blonde girl was like an art within a giant forest.

Cynthia gulped as a scary thought came to mind; with such a huge habitat, there must be larger creatures to occupy it. She furiously looked around as she tried to search for her friends. "Dammit! Why do we always get separated?!" She scrambled her hair in frustration. "That's it! I'm getting us cuffs so getting separat-"

"C-Cynthia!!!" Cynthia felt her body flew forward as a body crashed into her from behind. Coughing her guts out, she turned behind to see the teary-eyed Lily. "I-I'm so happy..t-to find yo-you!" She was bawling, clinging to her back.

Cynthia punched herself in the chest before smiling at the white-haired girl and turning to face her. "Hey hey hey, it's okay." She tried to comfort her. "I'm sure we all didn't land that far from each other."

Lily could only give a little nod. Cynthia smiled and patted her head. "C'mon, trust me! We have been separated before!" The blonde girl chirped. "We'll be fineeee!"

"B-But didn't last time we got separated, Yumi..g-got im-impaled?"



Cynthia grabbed hold of her arm and immediately started walking forward. "Yeah, we should find everyone else," Lily said nothing as she was dragged along. The blonde girl's reaction really showed that she was still very much traumatized by the event.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2023 ⏰

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