The past

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My sibling is Cee Onyx. My name is Peyton Lynn Onyx but I much prefer Pey. I was raised in a cult, my family worshiped the first and second hand of the family like they were gods. We were going to bring the world to greatness and our ancestors should save us when in doubt. The first and second hand would bless us so we can live a successful life and in return to all of their  greatness and blessings, we had to follow them, make sure they knew we loved them. Show no emotions. Never stray away from the family. I never liked these rules, neither did Cee but they always liked praise and they loved our family even if they didn't like their actions. I only liked a few members of the family and they were seen as "Lost Causes" or "The second chance" they were my step father, Otis, and Cee. Cee was seen as a lost second hand but they still had trust in their "improvement" but Otis, they never have seen him as an equal. The second chance was my step father, Bairl. He was my mother's second husband after my father left her when the two twins were born. I was 3 years old. I never really got to see my father after he left my mother, mother didn't want him getting to me. I don't know why because my dad was a very nice man but I couldn't control it. I was only a kid. Growing up I was trained till I was bruised, sweating, and soar. I was trained for my powers. In the Onyx bloodline only the 3rd and 4th born get powers and I was so lucky to be the 4th born. I was blessed with the strongest powers in Onyx history and because of that I was trained twice as hard. Cee moved out when I was 9 and they did visit me, they liked taking me out to eat a lot. I guess they were trying to make up for being a lousy sibling, even if they were the best sibling in existence. They didn't want to let me down. When I was 10 Dante asked me to join his hero team. I was done with training and was made to be a killing machine. He offered me something I wanted, love, friends, and a true family. I was only supposed to help people in return. No stupid blessings, no stupid worshipping, no stupid force training, no stupid Onyx way. Just help the people in need. Who wouldn't want to accept that? Especially when you've been through what I've been through. It took me 2 minuets to think about it and I said yes. When my family found out I had accepted that offer they freaked out. They disowned me and called me a traitor. Heroes didn't get anything done. They casted me out and the only people who helped me and still loved me were Cee and Baril. Otis wanted to but he was already on thin ice when he hugged me and told me that whatever I did he would always be there for me and love me. He even cried when I left. For the past 3 years I was trained to not kill but I wasn't beat, I didn't have to train everyday, and I was treated like I was human. I was told not to use my powers and I was trained to keep them from harming people, I was trained to use them when necessary, and I was taught how to use weapons. I was happy until Baril died then I was torn apart, I started having issues with my body and mental health. I even had a panic attack so bad that my legs failed for a bit and had to go to physical therapy. Then after I was able to walk again I was put into regular therapy but for people with superpowers. I was told that I had autism. That was a year ago. Now let's get to the present.

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