oh my.

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I was sitting in the living room with Gabe, Rhea, and Hugo. They were talking and then they all looked at me.
Pey: What?
Gabe: How did you know Damion?
Pey: I trained with him 2 years ago. Remember when I had to go to Master Tella because it was hard for me to even do what Kory was teaching me?
Gabe: Oh.
Pey: Yeah.
Hugo: He's kinda rude.
Rhea: And he judges everyone 24/7
Pey: He just has some communication issues. It doesn't mean he's a bad person.
Gabe: Yeah, sure.
Pey: He'll warm up soon, I know he will.
Rhea: Whatever you say.
I rolled my eyes and walked away before I started something. They are honestly no better than he is. They don't get to judge him if they do the same things. I walked into my room and laid on my bed. I heard a knock on my door.
Pey: Come in.
Damion walked in with a slight smile on his face.
Damion: You really think I'm a good person?
Pey: Everyone has good in them. Even criminals can be good.
Damion: Would it be okay if I sit with you?
Pey: Uh, sure.
He sat next to me on my bed and looked over my shoulder to the book I was reading.
Damion: What are you reading?
Pey: Romeo and Juliet, it's a classic and I love it.
Damion: A very old classic.
Pey: Shakespeare was a great writer, many people enjoy this book.
Damion: Yeah, I'm aware, Dante loves that book. He's a sucker for romance.
Pey: So am I.
Damion: Nothing wrong with that.
He held out his hand and I gave him the opened book. He started reading aloud and he looked stunning while doing so. What was I thinking. Pey! Get your head out of the gutter! What are you thinking? You shouldn't be thinking like that, you barely know him and you are calling his actions stunning! You need to think properly! He looked at me with concern.
Damion: Are you alright? You seemed to be spacing off.
Pey: Oh! Yeah, I'm fine. I'm alright.
I chuckled and looked away. He kept reading. For an hour this kept up and then I checked the time.
Pey: Oh shit!
Damion: What?
Pey: I'm way off my schedule!
Damion: Oh.
He gave me the book and I put the book mark in. He walked to the door and before he left he looked at me.
Damion: I enjoyed spending time with you.
I smiled.
Pey: I can say the same.
He smiled back and walked away. I went to my bathroom and ran a bath. All I could think about was him. He seemed different than when I last met him. He was much sweeter than he was and let me tell you how well put together he is now. I smiled and then slapped my face. No! Bad, stop smiling when thinking about him! I started to scold myself. I was not going to be one of those girls who fall in love when they barely know a person. He could be a wanted murder for all I know. I got up and dried myself off before putting on my pajamas. I turned off my lights and laid down on my bed. I closed my eyes and soon I fell asleep.

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