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After the night was over and we awoke we found that what happened was not in fact a dream and we kept quiet about it as much as possible. I found the sewing room she sewed in there for a bit. I found Damian in his office. I entered the office without knocking. Damian looked up from his papers, "Hello, darling." I walked over to him, "Hi." He put his hands around my waist, "What do you need." "Nothing." "Then why are you in my office?" "I can't just spend time with my now husband?" "Not while he's working." "Oh, forgive me." I placed a kiss on his head and walked away.

A few months passed and I barely saw him around me. I was alone again. He promised he'd never leave me alone and he was breaking that promise. I wasn't adjusting well to this change. I finally had enough and at dinner time I slammed my hand down and Damian looked up, "What's wrong, dear?" I let out a long breath, "What's wrong is that fact that I've been in the mansion alone and the only time that I have seen you is when I am eating or sleeping next to you! I am alone and I want you to be around me more often!" He put his fork down, "I've been busy sorting out mothers work. I'm sorry I've been so busy... I promise I'll try to find more time for you." My face softened, "Damian, don't do what your mother did in the family. Do your own thing. Make it that children are children and know they are more than just the killing and breeding machines our families wanted to be." He smiled, "I know, I'm trying. I can't do anything until I get everything done with my mothers work. I have five more things to do and I'll be done! Please be patient for a little longer." I smiled at him, "Alright."

I will always go to you, my darling. Where stories live. Discover now