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Tella pushed the sword into his rib. Jason ran after Tella and tried to shoot her. She was gone before he could get his safety on. Jason yelled, "FUCK!" And slammed the gun so hard on the ground it broke. I took Cee off of the rope and laid them down. I pulled out the Blue Nectar of the Onyx. Only the heads of the family can get injected with this. It brings someone back to life. I pulled out the sword and drew the symbol of our family with their blood like the ritual says. I picked Cee up as best as I could and placed them in the middle of the symbol. I pulled out a needle and a syringe. I used my magic to summon candles and I lit them with my magic. I then opened the bottle of Blue Nectar and filled the syringe with it. I used my magic and said the Onyx spell of living while injecting him with the Blue liquid, "May the Onyx ancestors bring this lost soul back to life for they must keep fulfilling their purpose. May their soul come back and by the Onyx may this soul come back to me." It took a moment but Cee awoke and felt their face. They became shocked. They looked at me and hugged me. I smiled and hugged them back. Tears fell from both of our faces. I was happy to see they were okay again. Jason rushed over to Cee and pulled them into a hug as well, "Don't ever do that to me again!" Cee laughed, "I guess my speech wasn't needed." Damian walked over to me and helped me up, "Well done, my love. It was no shock that you would pull a stunt like that." He kissed my hand, "I guess there are happy endings." I smiled, "Missions can be full of joy." He looked into my eyes, "I didn't mean that." I raised an eyebrow slightly, "Oh?" He smirked and we walked out. Cee and Jason were in each other's embrace the entire way back to the mansion. Me and Damian just held hands, happy that Cee was back to Cee. This would be a traumatic event but not as traumatic as actually having to let them die. Only the body of a magical Onyx and withstand the Blue Nectar. They tried it on my stepfather but his non-magical body couldn't stand it and it worsened his conditions. I'm just glad that I could save one person I loved.

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