Oh, it's him

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I had just woken up, my black and purple dyed hair a mess. I walked over to my vanity and grabbed my brush. As I brushed out my hair I opened up my phone, I saw a text from Dante.
I hope you're prepared for what's coming today.
I made a face. I didn't like how that text sounded in my head, in anyway I read it. I put my hair up in a poinytail and got dressed. I went to the kitchen and no one was in there. Weird they are always in the kitchen in the morning. I took a bowl out and poured my cereal in and then the milk. I ate and then went back to my room for a bit. A few hours later I heard a knock on my door.
Pey: Come in.
Kory: Hey, Pey! I was just heading to the training room can you come down in a little bit?
Pey: Let me check.
I pulled out my schedule for today.
Eat 8:00-8:13
Me time 8:13-9:40
Therapist meet up 9:50-10:50
Training #1 11:00-12:00
Lunch 12:00-12-30
Patrol 12:40-1:00
Training #2 1:10-2:10
Relax with team 2:15-4:50
Hobbies 5:00-6:00
Dinner 6:10-6:20
Free time 6:30-8:00
If any missions bath time will be after it. If no missions then
Bath 8:10-8:20
Then go to bed.
Pey: Sorry I can't be down, I have to meet up with my therapist today.
Kory: Oh shoot, well I'll see you when you get back.
Pey: Yeah! I'm sorry.
Kory: Oh it's fine, dear.
She leaves my room and I leave too.
When I arrive back to the house, I saw the same boy I was trained with 2 years ago. His dark brown hair, dark green eyes, tan skin, and intimidating demeanor was a straight give away. I trained with him at master Tella's for a year and we parted ways. We got along well but we never really spoke. I did enjoy his company during the year I was there though. He looked at me shocked.
Pey: Mister Damion.
Damion: Lady Pey.
Pey: It's nice to see you again.
Damion: I can agree with you, how have you been?
Pey: Well, my step father passed away, I had to go to physical therapy, and I was diagnosed with autism. Other than that I've been alright. How about you?
Damion: Well, my grandfather passed away but on the "bright side" I was finally able to move in with my father. Until now.
Pey: What did you do?
Damion: Dante and father think that I need to gain the skill of teamwork. They think this will be the best way. Seeing how Dante is the leader of this team, I think it will be efficient in their eyes.
Pey: Ah, I came here willingly.
Damion: And how did that work out for you?
Pey: Not too well. I'm alright with it though, I have a family here. Even if they aren't blood.
Damion: I'm glad you have a safe space. It took me a while to get to that place and out of my mother's grasp. I hope you'll help me with this teamwork thing.
Pey: I'm not great at teamwork, even it I've been here for 3 years, I still can't have people do certain things without it being my way.
Damion: Then we both need to do some work.
He chuckled and I smiled.
Pey: I must go now, I have a schedule to follow.
Damion: what is it that you need to do?
Pey: I have to train.
Damion: Do you mind if I join?
I was surprised, no one ever wants to join me except for Kory.
Pey: I- Um. Sure! I don't see why not.
Damion: Then, I'll see you there.
I walked to my room and started to put on my hero costume. This isn't the same boy I met 2 years ago. Why has he changed so much? It's probably because of his father. I mean it makes sense. I finished getting dressed and went to the training room. He was there and ready. I smiled and we started training.

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