My darling

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Me and Damian had to throw a party for the family and it was a very boring party. Then we had to do many other boring things with setting the family up. I couldn't handle the pressure. I was sad and still lonely. He was always busy. He didn't have any time for me. He was worried about the family and making sure it got better. I decided to talk to him once more, "Damian." He jumped out of his chair, "Darling! Oh god, you can't startle me like that. What do you need?" I sighed, "I need to talk with you." He sat up straight, "Talk then, my love." I sighed again, "You haven't gotten any sleep. I've seen you less and less. You have also gotten too caught up in this whole situation and it's stupid! The family is supposed to be a family, not a God damn job!" He sighed, "That's what I'm trying to do. I'm trying to make this into a family so I don't have to work on this and so I can spend time with you." I looked down, "I miss my actual home. I don't want to be here. I want to be with Cee, I miss him and I miss the team and everything! I didn't think that you would be in this office so much. I didn't think I'd be alone." His face softened and I sighed. I walked to the door, "I'm going to see my family. I'm going to let you work. I'll be back sometime. Call me if you need anything." He put his hand on his face and I walked to our room. I packed some things and headed off to visit Cee. I couldn't be in the quiet. I wanted to have my Damian back. When I arrived at Cee's house I was greeted with a warm hug and a hello. I stayed there for a few days until I told them what was going on. His face dropped, "Pey. You should have stayed!" I got confused, "Why?" Cee put their hand on their forehead, "He is struggling right now and he needs you! You left him alone at his worst and now he's going to think that you don't love him!" My face dropped and I quickly got home as fast as possible. I entered the mansion and found him asleep in his office I picked him up and put him on our bed. I covered him up and kissed his forehead. I laid next to him. I fell asleep and when I awoke I was greeted with a soft kiss on my lips, "You came back." I smiled, "Of course I came back. I will never leave you. We made a promise when we started dating and when we got married. We promised to stand by each other no matter what the conditions may be. I love you with all of my heart. I didn't mean to leave you like that. I should have stayed. You are the only thing keeping me here. You make me feel alive and I want to spend every moment with you. We are in this together and I will always come back to you my darling." He smiled and cupped my face, "As will I."

{The End}

I will always go to you, my darling. Where stories live. Discover now