Our team

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Our team is kinda a place for troubled kids looking for new starts.
Gabe: He was tested on which made him get powers. His powers can control any part of nature (ex: animals and plants.)
Rhea: She's a witch and like me, she was cast out of her family. They thought she was going to use her powers for bad.
Hugo: He got super powers when he was young. He won't tell he how or why but his family couldn't train or handle his powers so they sent him away to the team.
Kory: Her parents died. She always had powers but she didn't know how to deal with them. So she thought that killing herself would solve it. It didn't and when she was released from the mental hospital, Dante met her outside and asked her to join the team.
Dante: Bruce adopted him after his family left him on his door step when he was 5. Bruce trained him until he was old enough to protect himself. He decided that he would make a team for young people who needed help and support with issues. As long as they help protect people in need and be heroes everyone needs.
Damion: His mother's a psychopath. He was raised by her until he was 8. Then he was taken away from his mother because his grandfather couldn't trust her anymore. His father taught him more combat skills and how to actually be a human being. Then 2 years ago his father sent him to Master Tella, she trains kids so they can meet certain requirements when they don't understand them. That's where he met me and for a year me and him talked and got to know more about each other. We didn't really have "feelings" because it was hard for us to show them back then. Then after that year was up, we parted ways. Then he was sent to our team by his father so he could work on teamwork. Apparently he is too controlling (In the words of his father)
Our team was made to help people. Everyone who needs help and is able to fight can join it. Our team may not be perfect and yes we have our moments but, it's home to all of us. Even the ones who have parents and loving ones at that. It's just about being yourself here and no one has the right to judge you. They took me in and helped me not kill people, they helped me with emotions, they helped me with my health, and they helped me find a family who loved me. Cee was right, family isn't always blood. Our team is Blue Wings we are heroes.
Leader: Blue Bird (Dante)
Second Leader: Moonlight (Kory)
Members: Red Wing (Damion) , Jinx Khaos (me), Lucian Green(Gabe) , Sparrow (Rhea) , and Koa (hugo).

I will always go to you, my darling. Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora