Love me

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Me and Damian made an agreement that we would move on after every fight. No matter what. He knew that we had to make sure that we recovered from every fight even if we didn't want to move on. It was a healthy way of doing things. We kinda moved on but the team didn't so it did get awkward a few days afterwards but I don't care. I didn't care at all. He loves me and that's all that matters. I am greatful for him.
After the fight he did take me out on many dates. He tried to make up for not giving me my space and pushing me towards my breaking point but honestly, I was happy with the fact that he let me cry like that. I didn't even cry that much when I was a baby. I guess I needed a good cry.

   Me and Damian entered my room and laid down on my bed. He got closer to me. He made my heart go faster than a speeding train. I don't know how he could make a heart almost beat out of a body but he almost made mine leave my body. I was happy with being close to him but holy crap, he needed to back up a little. I could feel his atoms moving at this point. His breath was getting heavier, "I love you." He then placed a kiss on my lips. This kiss felt different. There was a different meaning to this kiss and it was a strong meaning. I did know what. I pushed his hair back, "You love me?" He let out a little word, "yes." I smiled, "I love you too."

I will always go to you, my darling. Where stories live. Discover now