he's back

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A week later they still weren't back. I started to get worried. He would have told me when he would be back, right? On Saturday I decided to go to bed early. It didn't matter but, I was more tired than normal. Well I woke up to someone turning on my lamp, and sneaking around my room. When my eyes finally adjusted I saw it was Damion.
Damion: Oh goodness, I didn't mean to awake you, darling.
Pey: It's alright, why didn't you tell me you were coming home today?
Damion: I wanted to surprise you, hopefully I didn't scare you too much.
He walked over to my bed and sat at the end of it. I hugged him with a smile on my face. I started kissing his face and he smiled at my actions.
Damion: I didn't know you missed me so much.
Pey: I didn't think I would.
Damion: I can't tell if that's a good thing or a bad thing.
I smiled and he cupped my face. He pulled me into a kiss. I really did miss him, I didn't think I would miss him this much. We have only been dating for 3 weeks now, why did I miss him so much? I don't know why I'm over thinking, I should just be happy that he's back. Finally.
He pulled out of the kiss and climbed over to the other side of my bed, laying down he smiled and patted the other side. I climbed back to my spot and laid on his chest.
Pey: I missed you, a lot.
Damion: I can tell.
He smiled and kissed me again.
Damion: I missed you too, darling.
I smiled at his words. He was a sweet, gentle, boy. I don't see why anyone would hate him. I don't see why I thought he'd be like my mom. I'm glad he understands that I can't control my illnesses or my thoughts, I'm glad he understands me. That's all I ask for in anyone. I'm happy I finally found someone who understands me and loves me in this way. I'm glad I'm going out of my comfort zone. I wanna go more out of my comfort zone though. Not anything sexual, we are much too young for those actions. I'm just gonna take this all in before I do anything though. Unlike my sibling Cee, I don't constantly want to have sex. I don't want to have it at all.
Damion: Darling, you're spacing off again.
Pey: Oh, I'm sorry.
Damion: It's okay, darling.
He kissed me again.
Damion: What's on your mind?
Pey: I don't know how to put it. It's nothing sexual or weird. It's just hard to explain.
Damion: Ah, I see, I see.
He smiled.
Damion: Well, let's just leave it at that then and if you find a way to explain it then tell me.
We were both silent for a while. I was just trying to put these feelings into words.
Pey: I want to make out with you.
Damion: What?
Pey: Nothing! Forget I said anything.
Damion: No, no. I'm not going to call you stupid or anything. If you want to make out then we can.
Pey: What? Don't you think my wants are sudden?
Damion: We've known each other for a year and a month. Yes we have only been dating for three weeks but remember my mother and father slept with each other after two days of knowing each other. I don't find the action sudden at all because my parents wanted to have a kid after two days of being "friends".
Pey: Your parents are weird.
Damion: Yeah, I know. But that's not the point, darling. My point is, if you want to do that, we can.
I look at him, and I kissed him. I didn't second guess myself, for once I did what I wanted to. He was perfect in every way, I feel like a train of salt next to his perfection, his skills, his everything. I loved him, no doubt. You may think that I'm rushing things but, I'm not. For a year me and him didn't know any other emotion except rage and now we know that we needed people. We know that we need love and we know that we were falling for each other when we were training together for that year. We just didn't want to believe it. So blame our mothers for not teaching us emotions before you blame us for jumping this whole relationship thing.
He pulled away from our long kiss.
Damion: Are we going to do this?
Pey: Make out?
Damion: Yeah that.
Pey: Only if you want to.
Damion: I do! I just want to make sure you're okay with it before I do anything because-
I cut him off with a kiss.
Pey: I'm okay with it.
Damion: Okay.
I kissed him again. I could tell he was new to this but so was I and I didn't care. He's wonderful. Maybe this whole relationship thing isn't that bad.

I will always go to you, my darling. Where stories live. Discover now