will you be mine?

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I know what I said with Kory, I would give love a chance but I didn't expect to kiss him. I'm freaking out! I can't get him off my mind now! I locked myself in my room, I didn't want to come out. What is wrong with me? I got a text from Damion around 12:30 after I ate.
10pm, rooftop, be there please.
That's new, why did he text it to me. He barely texts me when he wants to meet up. Maybe he's scared? No, no it's Damion, how could he be scared? Unless... No, he's never scared. I put on makeup before I met up with him. I did a black smokey eye with black lipstick, that was the first makeup look I was taught and it was by my sibling, Cee. My lovely sibling...
I met Damion exactly on time.
Damion: I didn't think you'd show.
Pey: Why would I pass up a second chance to get kissed?
Damion smiled and then he looked me in my light green eyes. He pulled me into a kiss yet again. I was joking about getting another kiss, why did he do it? He seems nervous. I was right, for once Damion was scared. But of what? What could he be scared of? I pulled out of the kiss and cupped his face.
Pey: Are you alright?
Damion: I have something to ask you, I hope it doesn't ruin our friendship.
My eyes softened.
Pey: Alright, what is it.
He took a long breath.
Damion: Will you be mine?
Pey: What?
Damion: Will you be my one and only? My-
Pey: Girlfriend?
Damion shook his head "yes" and I smiled.
Pey: I would love to.
Damion: Really?
He basically lit up, his smile was so wide. I chuckled to his excitement, I never would have thought that someone would be that happy to date me of all people.
Pey: Yes.
He picked me up and started to spin me. Then he put me down. He cupped my face and started rubbing my cheek.
Damion: I'm happy you said yes. I would have felt stupid.
I giggled.

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