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I was dreaming. I was falling and I was swallowed up with darkness, then my mother was shouting things at me. I relived my step fathers death. I relived every bad thing that has ever happened to me. I was being shook and I awoke to the team staring at me and Damion sitting next to me on my bed.
Damion: Are you alright?
Pey: It was just a nightmare, I'm fine.
I'm not good with emotions as you may tell. I was raised in a house where emotion wasn't really shown. It was looked down on. They all left me alone, all except for Damion. He stayed.
Damion: Talk to me, what was it about?
I was hesitant to talk about it. Then he gave me a calming look
Pey: Every bad thing that has happened to me, I relived it in that single dream. All of it. My mom calling me a failure and a traitor to our family. My family disowning me as if I was nothing, a nobody. My step fathers death... Everything. All of it.
My eyes started to tear up.
Pey: I shouldn't be talking to you about this. I barely know you.
Damion: Yes, you do. You know me and I know you too. You can tell me anything.
I looked into his eyes. He was calming, his eyes were calm, his body language was calm, he wanted to help me. I hugged him and he hugged me back. This felt weird though. It didn't feel like the other hugs I've received from other people. It was kinda awkward and I pulled out of the hug.
Pey: You should get some rest.
Damion: Yeah.
We both sounded like things did get awkward and I was glad to know it wasn't in my head. For once. After he left I turned off my light once more and fell back asleep.

I will always go to you, my darling. Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя