Act 3 (final act)

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It has been five years since Damian and I got together. We are now eighteen. Damian has been a wonderful partner and a wonderful hero. My love for him has only grown. I've been happy that I've been with him for as long as I have.

I was in the training room. Cory and Damian came in to watch me. Damian looked like he had something on his mind. I stopped the training bots and walked over to him. I gave him a kiss on the cheek, "Hello, darling." He smiled and held my hand, "Hello." I didn't want to make a big deal but, there was something wrong with him. I could tell in his eyes. He was definitely hiding something. I held his hand, "Are you alright?" He smiled a very fake smile, "Of course I am. Why?" I don't know if he could tell but I knew that he was lying. I took his hand and walked with him to our now shared room. I started to get dressed into normal clothes, "There is something wrong with you. I know it and I can tell when you are hiding something." He sighed, "Pey. There is something I have to tell you." My stomach sank with the seriousness of his voice. He patted the bed, "Sit, please." I did as he said and sat down. He took a deep breath in, "Okay. I have to fulfill my mothers work. Since she has passed everything is mine now. I can run our family and I can be happy still doing hero work and fulfilling the families succession. Or I can stay and get hunted down and forced to only do family work. I decided to take the first option because then I could still be with you and not put you in any danger. I didn't know how to tell you so I wanted to wait. I didn't know if you would come with me or not." I took a deep breath in and tried to process everything that was said. I took his hand. I knew what I wanted and that was to be with him no matter what. I held his hand tightly, "We are in this together. I'll go wherever you go." He looked at me and smiled. He kissed me, "Thank you, love."

I will always go to you, my darling. Where stories live. Discover now