Scenarios005: unread

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It's been a few weeks since we fought on the phone. 

We've been together for a year but we just started living together.

I know we differ when it comes to many things--I am an introvert, you're an extrovert; I'd rather keep our relationship to ourselves, you love to share them mostly with your friends; I get easily jealous while you don't mind things as much (as if you have anything to be jealous about except books and cats); I don't befriend my ex while you do; and many more. Because of these, we end up having arguments most of the time.

Though we both have one thing in common--besides being gay--and it is that we are both stupid.

We stayed together in the first two weeks of us being here and it's your first time again to go out with your friends. I let you do so since I also need to keep up with my writing and also cleaning the house. 

After two hours of stressing about my writing, I thought of hitting you up and asking for memes, your sweet words, or your cute pictures.

But after one "hello" from me, you said so many things already. I love you being talkative and sharing with me anything that has ever happened in your life. Though now I kind of hated it since you told me about how you guys accidentally bumped into your ex and now she's hanging out with you and your friends. I remember how you told me last year that you still love her and she was supposed to be your "one" but it all fell apart--though not enough to stop you from befriending them. 

You told me that she and your friends are close with them, and the picture you sent proves that right. I can see how much fun you guys have. The bigger your smile, the grumpier I get. I know I'll never be that energetic considering I'm very shy and I can't keep up with that much energy.

Plus she chatted with you a few months back asking you to be with her again while we were celebrating Valentine's. Who wouldn't get jealous of that?

I start to ignore you--deciding I should play my angry playlist and scream things out as I clean the whole house. The music from my laptop was so loud I didn't realize you'd been calling. I answered your fifth attempt at calling me. 

You sighed in relief on the other end, wondering where I'd been and how worried you are. It was sweet until I hear you with your friends--including your ex--laughing in the background. I decide to respond with a tone of sarcasm. That's when I hear you shuffle in the background, the notice slowly fading until I hear you asking me what's wrong.

Instead of answering you properly, I keep being sarcastic and not straight to the point, which results in our misunderstanding.

In the end, I did let you know that it was about me being jealous of your ex being there by saying "I see you are enjoying your time with Marie, why don't you go and just have. Fucking. Fun!"

"Why are you worried about it?! We were just hanging out"

"That's why leave ME the FUCK alone okay? Just hang out with them!" I scoffed. "Don't mind your crazy girlfriend!"

I hear you take a deep breath on the other line. "Baby?"

I did not answer.

"Don't worry okay? She won't take me from you."

"Yeah right whatever!" 

"Baby I'm sorry-"

Then I ended the call right there. Shortly after you're calling again but I did not answer it. My emotions are getting over me and I want to wait until I calm down before I talk to you. Besides, you told me you'll be home in an hour or so.

I continued playing Waterparks in the background as I clean and it never felt so good letting frustrations out on the mess I'd never cleaned in the last few days.

scenarios - gxg fluff stories out of u and meDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora