scenario012: grounding

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The sounds of the busy street: honking horns, and screaming neighbors; the food you're cooking, the music playing in the background, my's all bothering me. 

I try to focus on the thing that I'm watching but it's not even working. Instead, I'm drowning in my own thoughts and worry about what happened, thinking I may have done or said something wrong during the meeting. I'll probably fail it.

But I try to ignore that thought, trying to put myself back to Danny Gonzalez talking about a stupid movie. Though my body can't help but worry a lot.

It's all until my head is filled with dark clouds and I barely see anything. I'm trying to catch my breath, trying to get back to reality, yet I can't. I'm slowly losing myself in my own thoughts.

You will fail it, then you will be nothing. You're just going to be stuck in a void where you will fall apart.

You're nothing.

You'll fall apart.

"Hey," I hear you shout. You turn the stove off and run to me. "Hey, hey, hey it's okay. I'm here okay?" You sit on the space on the couch, facing me. 

I did not reply with anything. I am heaving, trying to catch my breath.

"Look at me,"

I am doing so but with my teary eyes, which I don't want you to see. I try to look around for a bit to sway it away but you shake my shoulders.

"Hey love focus on me--only look at me, okay?" So I did. "Deep breaths." You hold my hands tightly as you guide me through my breathing. 

"Okay now give me five things you are seeing right now."

I take another deep breath before I look around. "The TV, the window, the bookshelf, the drawers, and...And you."

"Good. That's good babe. Now name four things you can touch."

As I list them down, I feel or grip everything my hands can touch. "Th...The pillow, the sofa, the table, a-and y-you." My hand stops on your cheek that lifts up when your lips smile at me.

"Okay. Three things you can hear."

"The music, the cars, y-your voice."

"Two things you can smell?"

"Th-the adobo you're cooking, and"--I lean to your shirt that smells of rose. "you."

"Okay now tell me one thing you can taste."

I lean back to look at you. I feel at ease now, with no more dark clouds over my head. My surroundings are clear now but I only let myself focus on your face. Your beautiful brown zircon that shines the light as it looks at me, your puffy cheeks that are like marshmallows to the touch, and your lips that is soft light pink. I slowly lean in and touch it with mine. It tastes like strawberry candy that I will love tasting again and again.

My body starts moving, shuffling to sit on your lap and deepen the kiss. Every time we pull out, we exhale and then kiss each other again. 

We stayed like that for God knows how long, until we both pull out, catching our breaths. 



I pant. "You are that one thing I can taste."

You stare at me blankly for a second before you finally get it. You chuckle in between your pants. "That's sweet."

"No, you."

"Shut up!" You squish my cheeks, giggling. "So? Are you okay now?"

"Yeah. For now."

"Well, what's important is that you're okay now." You lean in and peck my forehead.

When you pull out, I ask, "Where did you find that out? The grounding thing?"

"Oh umm..." You scratch your nape. "I read that book by one of your favorite Youtubers."

I gasp while smiling. "Really?"

"Yeah...I thought maybe...I could help if anything's happening." You look down, your cheeks blushing pink. When you look back at me, I went straight for the hug, almost pushing you down but you regain balance.

"Thank you." I hug you tight.

You chuckle. "Just giving you the bare minimum."

"Still, you're the best."

You scoff. "Yeah right." 

We stayed quiet for a while, feeling each other's heartbeats in our chests, hearing our breathing in sync. The noises outside and inside don't bother me anymore. It's like now they are nothing.

Then I broke the silence. "That kiss was the best breathing exercise we have done. We should do that often."

Then we both chuckle. We share each other's laughter, as well as tears and screams. I look back at those memories by looking into your eyes. 

And after another minute of silence, you say, "I'm here for you always."

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