scenario009: pissed

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You came home, opened the door wide then shut it hard enough to grab my attention. I stop my writing and turn from the tall stool we bought for the kitchen counters.

You drop your bag on the couch carelessly, your jacket hanging by the rack behind the door which is off because you usually hang them carefully on a hanger so it won't wrinkle. You throw your ID on the floor and pull your tie loosely as you sit down on the couch. Your bag fell off but you did not bother to pick that up. The glare softens when it meets my eyes. To avoid my gaze, you decide to look down and take off your shoes quite slowly.

I sigh and walk up to you.  "Hey sunshine," I pick your bag up on the floor and hang it beside your jacket.

You did not answer. You remain seated with your elbows resting on the armchair. Your index is pressing on your temple and your thumb on your cheek while watching the sunset through the window.

"How's your day?"

No answer. I walk up to the couch where I sit down, just far enough to give you space.

"Hey, you know you can share anything with me."

Finally, I hear a sound come out of you--a sigh. You lean your head back to the backrest, enough to make you look at the ceiling. "I just don't want to show my anger to you."

"It's okay. I'll take all that you throw at me and I still love you. Just don't be too...silent. That is what will bug me. Hmm?"

You sigh again, not willing to look at me. I scoot closer, letting my hand rest on your thighs. 

"My groupmates we..." You release another sigh. "We were trying to finish our research. I'm their leader but...They do nothing but complain and complain! They said they worked hard enough on their shit and they did nothing but revise over and over. They did not even THINK what I have been doing! I did my best to search for those related studies, figure out what method to use, ideas on how we can do our experiments, and anything else! All they have to do is revise their shit because THEY DID IT WRONG! Even I did all the solving and equations after the experiment is performed. ALL THEY HAVE TO DO IS FUCKING PUT IT ON EXCEL AND THEY DON'T KNOW HOW TO DO THAT SHIT!" You stand up as you throw your tie off the ground, making a soft thud on the wooden floor.

"Hey love" 

I try to grab your attention but you eyed at your shoes. "All they did is fucking-" You kick the first shoe, making it reach near the shelves. "Blame me!" then the second one slide in quicker and stronger, colliding with the other as it stumbles sideways. 

I stand up, noticing your breathing gets quick. I rub your shoulders with both hands. "Calm down now, okay? Deep breaths." I joined you in doing a breathing exercise before I sit you down.

"So here is what we are going to do," I hold both of your hands. "You're going to face me and tell me the rest of it that way. Your hands"--I hold them up--"Will never leave my face while you're talking. Got it?"

When you nodded, I place your warm palms on each side of my cheek. "Go on, start talking."

You start explaining the whole process of your work, what your role is as a leader, and the roles that you've given your members. You also introduced me to your group mates one by one and their pros and cons, and you told me the one you despise so much.

"He complains all the time: how we have to do this every day and 'oh I don't have any more noodles-' when in fact we are not there for his fucking noodles WE ARE THERE TO DO RESEARCH! He really took it literally when he said his role will be to just give out food and he still complains?! HE'S NOT. EVEN. HELPING US!" 

I feel your hands squish my face as I feel your anger rising again. But when you noticed, you soften your grasp. "I'm sorry babe."

"Itsh foine" I manage to say in between your squish. 

After that, you talk some more, ranting and stuff. I can feel your palms pushing my cheeks forward again. When you take notice, you stop. But instead of saying sorry and moving forward to your story, you just stare at me.

"wot?" I asked, my cheeks still squished between my mouth.

You smile softly before you lean in for a peck. "You're cute."

I feel my face heat up. I did not expect that to happen. All the time I'm just focusing on your face and all that you're saying. Then suddenly you start to make me lose that focus with one peck. I feel stupid just from getting distracted like that.

Your smile grew big as you squish my face more. I whine in protest but that just makes you giggle. Finally, you stop. Your warm palms resting on my warm cheeks. Our eyes just stare at each other like they're mesmerized. "Thank you." You broke the silence. "You calmed me down, my kitten." Your lips touch my forehead, then my nose, and lastly my lips. You press them more as our kiss deepens, and then our lips move. It's soft and sweet. It's the best feeling. "I've never felt better ever since you came into my life."

scenarios - gxg fluff stories out of u and meHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin