Scenario14: floor

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The click of the door indicates that it has been unlocked. With a small creak, you enter and shut the door shortly after. "Hey love, what's for diiiiin..." As you talk, you turn to the kitchen, where I usually am. But I'm not there anymore.  When you turn to another direction, that's when you get to continue your words with more concern towards me than your question, "...ner?"

You stare down on the floor, where I am laying on my back. I keep my head straight and motionless. Just focusing on the ceiling and the song blasting in my ears.

You stand for a minute, thinking of what to do with the situation. You took off your blazer and hang it by the rack. You leave your shoes and socks by the door before walking beside me. 

"Hey," You sit down beside me.

You thought I may not hear you, but seconds later I responded. "Hey." my eyes are still glued to the plain white drywall above us. 

"Can I join you?"

I shrug. "Sure"

You lay down, not minding if there is any dirt clinging to your pink long sleeves.

You observe my breathing and my stillness. My eyes only at the ceiling like there might be something beyond it. You start to wonder what song is playing on my phone and what am I thinking of. 

You turn your head at the ceiling. 

"So what are we doing?"


"Right." You nodded slowly, not knowing what to say next. 

Silence overtakes you as you stare at me so focused on contemplating. You feel like standing up and letting me do what I do, but you also don't wanna leave me. So you ask: "Am I botheri-"

"It's alright," I said.

"Oh okay."

Another silence, but it was cut short. "I think you will feel it more if you listen to the songs." I took the jack out and let the music play as I place the phone in between us. It's a playlist of My Chemical Romance, right now Gerard Way is screaming the chorus of The Foundations of Decay. I let him sing seconds of the song before I speak again. "Sorry, I should be changing the songs."

You grab my wrist the moment I am about to lift it up to change the song. "It's okay."

"You sure? It might be too loud for you. You don't have to-"

"I like it."

And so I let it play. I close my eyes and take a deep breath.

"What are we contemplating?" You ask.

"Anything," I respond. 

"Well, I am gonna contemplate my day, which went quite well. When we presented our project in front of the corporate, I thought I was gonna die! They ask too many questions I thought they would hate our idea. But then I thought of you, and how you believed in me, so I push through. Now, I realize, that you are my confidence, the puzzle piece to all my greatest ideas, my inspiration, my love, my everything, and more." You smile as you close your eyes. "I'm contemplating how I will get down on one knee someday, and possible places I might be doing so, then we'll get married, then we'll have more cats, and whatever else we can do. Until we will hold each other's hands on the same bed as we close our eyes and meet the sky." Your smile grows wider as you stay in that daydream.

I smile softly at what you said, but I ignore the sweet fuzzy feeling in my heart. "I was contemplating the stars and the sky, how sometimes they form into things that only one person can see, and others don't. Now, I'm just worried that maybe," I turn my head to the side where my dwelling face doesn't ruin the romantic fantasy. "Things won't go the way I would hope for. Because maybe I will mess it up by being my messy and destructive self. Because I'm not all bursts of sunshine and rainbows and that perfect spouse you will have."

You turn to me, only seeing my long black hair. You scoot closer, starting to smell the soap I used a while ago. "I'm not asking you to be perfect. Just being with me is enough."

"But what if I shouldn't be with you? What if you should be with someone else you will meet along the way? What if they can love you and treat you better than I did?"

"Fuck them! I don't need better when I got the best for me!"

I sigh and turn my head, about to oppose when you stop me with your lips. We stay like that for a couple of minutes. Your soft lips melt the ice that covered my heart with doubts. Now, I let it beat for love--for you, and with you. 

You let go, and our eyes rest on each other, and our lips curl up. Then we both look up at the ceiling again. We let the hard-hitting drums of Ray Toro and riffs of  Frank Iero and Mikey Way cover the silence for us, as we enjoy laying down on the floor together, with our hands clasped. Then, you turn your body and extend your arms and legs over my body. 

As we hug, you kiss my forehead and say, "I will never let you go."

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