Scenario007: dishes

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"Hmm?" I said, not taking my eyes off the laptop screen.

"Can you wash the dishes now?"

I whine and proceed to watch my favorite tv show.

"Love." Your tone got low. "You can watch while you're washing dishes you know.

I huff deeply, but I did not say anything.


"Ih~" I whined.

"Baby~" You wipe the final stain on the table before throwing the wipes before walking up to the couch and sit beside me. "What's wrong, hmm?" you paused the tv show so that I'll only focus on you.

I sigh, avoiding your gaze. "It's just that...I feel like I'm running low on energy. I don't feel like moving because there's this heavy weight on me that I can't carry. I feel like doing nothing but I also have this voice in my head telling me I'm shit for not doing things but i just feel like I'm glued down...It's so confusing and It sounds like an excuse. Argh!" I put my palms on my face.

"Hey," you wrap your arms around me. "It's okay. I understand you, hmm?"

I did not answer, I also did not move.

"Come sit on my lap, hmm?" I let you pull me on your lap as you hug me from behind.

"I'm sorry."

"You don't have to be baby." You put your nose under my shoulders as I feel you inhaling my scent. Then your pecks slowly made its way up to my neck then my nape.

"I'm a mess."

"Mhm~" I feel the vibration on my back, with your lips staying there. We stayed like that for a bit, your hands fastened around my waist and my palms on top of them.

I close my eyes and let these feelings take over me. The warmth, the softness that's in my heart, your warm calming breathe, your skin over me. It never fails to make me ecstatic.

Suddenly, they were all gone. I jolt in shock as your grip tightens around me and you lift me.

"Hey!" I exclaimed in protest but I know you wouldn't listen. You're carrying me with a bit of struggle, but you manage to take me to the kitchen, specially in front of the sink where the dirty dishes are waiting patiently.

Then, you soften your hold on me as you kiss my neck, saying. "I'll just be here in case you feel like you're running low on energy again."

Blush starts creeping up my cheeks as my body softens, weaken even, but I find my strength between it. By this...By this thing called love.

I open the faucet as I start running my fingers on the plates, while I feel your fingers combing my hair.

I bit my lip. "You don't have to carry me like that. You know I'm heavy."

You chuckle. "Well I guess for me you're lightweight."

I snicker. "Liar."

"A little lie with a little truth within. I guess the power of my love for you just gives me enough strength so you won't feel like you're the only one carrying all the weight on your shoulders."

And now, as I wash the dishes with a smile, I can feel your head resting on my shoulders and you pull me closer.

She's right, I thought. This power of love gives me the boost to do things—like washing dishes.

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